One language center, six followers of Christ putting their yes on the table. The Father has sent us to an unforgettable place with unforgettable people. He has taught us much about His character, His love for His creation, and His longing for the lost to know Him!
We came in not knowing much about the culture or language and had a difficult time adjusting the first week. We were (and still are) experiencing spiritual warfare in ways we had not yet known. We had a heavy burden for the lost. We were not familiar with the local religion and had a difficult time sharing with the people. Seeing silhouettes of people dressed in orange walking down the parkway in the early morning, broke our hearts. But the Father’s heart is also broken over their lostness. So we must step out and share the greatest story ever told!
We came here to be servants of the local team by helping in their English classes, planning future events, and meet any and every need that we were able. We have used much transportation, tuk tuks, to travel the city to many coffee shops and the night market. We have begun relationships with local friends in hopes that soon we could share the Father’s story with them!
Pray for the friendships we have started... pray we will be able to introduce them to the local team so they can continue the relationships.
-NT365 Girls Team
Southeast Asia