Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Filipino Nehemiah Teams: Leyte-Samar UPDATE!

Samar-Letye teams with franchise staff
Hola everyone! I'm back in Dolores town. The team in D-town is doing well. Monday afternoon, 10 young people attended the True Love Waits seminar and heard the gospel. And one of them invited the team to have home Bible study. The family is willing and invited the team to come back anytime. 

Every morning the team walks 15 minutes to reach the people in another village, S-town, to follow up and encourage existing believers. Today, they are going to gather the believers in S-town and help them become a church. Also in S-town the team was invited to have a Bible study and shared the Four Spiritual Laws tract with 10 army personnel... And invited the team to continue lead the bible study with the army guys. 

Team Prayer Request: 
  • Protection
  • wisdom
  • Boldness
  • Open Spiritual eyes
This Friday the team is heading to T-town. Thank you. All for God's glory.

-Kuya Luigi