Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tropical Harvesters team checking in...

Hey friends! I have been in the Philippines for about a week and a half and it has been amazing to see all that the Lord has done so far in the village we are staying in. We are in a village in the mountains for the next two weeks (we are in the city for the day) and village life has been hard but so sweet! 

I have seen the Lord work in the lives of the people there but please pray for our friends that the blinders of these cult religions would be removed and they would truly see Jesus and the truth of the Gospel. There's only one name by which we can be saved so please plead with the Father with me that these people may come to know Christ! 

We will head to a nearby island in a couple weeks for our last part of the summer! Thank you all for the support, God has been so faithful!

Tropical Harvesters, Philippines