Thursday, February 10, 2022

Shine the LIGHT in a dark place this summer


IMB job #: 21499
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size: 2 girls
Field expense: $2114 plus roundtrip travel & required travel insurance

Job description: If you are a female who likes exploring urban life, going to social events, building relationships with those you meet, and sharing Jesus with Muslims then this would be the job for you. You will be a literal sociaLight who can shine the light of Jesus in a dark place that has never heard. You and your teammate will be living in a big coastal city and will go around to different city events, either at malls, convention halls, streets food “cities”, on the boardwalk, etc. and see who you can build relationships with and share Jesus with. The city has a booming social scene, which we have not been able to connect with yet, so you would be playing a vital role in getting into this world and making some of those connections, which could lead to potential follow-up opportunities. Your team would literally be exploring the city and seeing what there is to see, get involved in, and where to meet people.

Dates for summer 2022
March 15  Application deadline
May 30  Team leader training begins (Nehemiah Teams Training Center, Mentone, AL)
June 2  Team member training begins (Alabama)
June 7  Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 29  Teams return to the US for debrief (Alabama)
August 1  Teams return home

COVID-19 in 2022
We continue to move forward in planning for summer 2022 teams. Decisions will be made by April 5, 2022 as to whether certain teams may need to be cancelled due to travel restrictions or local situations. Info will be posted on the website if teams are cancelled.