Monday, November 30, 2015

Week of Prayer: Day 2

"Water of Life" for Central Asians

In the mountains and valleys of a Muslim Central Asian country, Christian aid worker Gary Warrior* and a team of Christian aid workers and national believers help meet people’s physical and spiritual needs.
In a desire to do their part to fulfill the Great Commission, the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists and the Mountain State Association sent Warrior, 51, and his family to exalt Christ through meeting human needs.
Click HERE for read more about the Warrior's story and to access videos & prayer requests.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week of Prayer: Day 1

Family on Mission in Lesotho
When Jim and Teresa Flora think about their life and ministry in the mountains of Lesotho, two needs come to mind: the support of their children and support from Southern Baptists.
They rely on the prayers and encouragement of their three grown sons and their families in the United States, but daughters Gracie, Anna and Rebekah are a part of each day’s work in Africa. Whether they are preparing meals for volunteer teams, playing with children or telling Bible stories, the girls consider themselves fully committed to the task of sharing the gospel with unreached Basotho people. They know every believer has a part in God’s mission.
Click HERE to read more of the Flora's story & to access videos and prayer requests.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Team of the Week: Cambodia Hydro"phonics"

This UPG is born, lives, works, and raises their families while living on small houseboats. As the seasons change, dry to wet, they move with the rising & falling of the water. They have lived this way for years. They have lived without knowing the true creator & His only Son, Jesus Christ. They are Buddhists but live in fear of spirits, sickness, & death. Ag, fisheries & horticulture majors are needed to work alongside national believers with hydroponic & fisheries projects. Use your English skills to teach conversational English to young adults working at the ponds.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a join debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer.

IMB Job #: 111933
Location: Cambodia
Team size: 4 guys
Field expense: $1188 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Friday, November 20, 2015

Team of the Week: Urban Rescuers

Walk alongside transgenders (ladyboys) and young men who have just left the sex industry. Be their friend. Through a local ministry, encourage them as they train in livelihood skills and continue their education... sharing God's love along the way.

Outreach is done in the red light districts & slum communities. Bar/red light district ministry involves visiting/following up on sex workers we already know and creating friendships with new workers. Slum outreach is mainly to current students and their families, consisting of helping build/rebuild/clean houses, spend time with families, after school activities, providing a safe environment & support in familiar surroundings.

When an individual decides to join our program, they come to our ministry building for different classes and sessions: counseling, art therapy, worship, Bible study, baking classes, etc.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a join debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer.

IMB Job #: 111932
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Team size: 10
Field expense: $1435 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Love that Restores

My life was a mess. I was really tired of my life, the real hopeless girl who tried to ix every problem with alcohol. But then, clearly, alcohol just made things worse. When already sober, the problem was still there. I even tried to end my own life. then, one of my friends, brought to me through technology called Facebook, invited me to go on vacation. Since I do not know any place to go, she suggested I visit Mindanao to think, to rest and to restore. 

While I was there, this friend shared to me the beautiful truth about Jesus. Jesus saved me. Jesus gave me new life.

They say Mindanao is a dangerous place. But for me, Mindanao is a place where I found peace, because here I met the Prince of Peace.

The old is gone, the new has come.  -2 Cor. 5:17

(This lady attended a 2-day training held by the Nehemiah Teams Traveling Team so she could learn more about missions and how to share the love that she has received from the Lord.) 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Traveling Team: Via Sound Waves

Annie & Mich behind the microphone
It was great to let the people hear that a love that lasts forever could only be found in Jesus!

A dream come true & a memorable experience for the two of us. We were invited as guests at one of the broadcasting stations on southern Mindanao. The segment was entitled Straight to the Heart which deals with the commons issues faced by the youth.

Naniniwala ka ba sa forever?- a most commonly asked question nowadays. One of us said, "Yes" and one said, "No."

But in the end, both had agreed to one conclusion. On earth, there is only a long & lasting relationship as long as there is trust & a choice to love each other despite each other's differences which only death can set them apart.

But forever is real. there is forever in love. Because One Great Man, who knows the highest form of love, gave His life willingly and sacrificially for all men; One whose blood was shed on the cross so that all of us who believe in & receive Him will experience that love forever.

-Mich & Annie
Nehemiah Teams Traveling Team

We love because He first loved us.  -1 John 4:19

Sunday, November 15, 2015

MUST keep praying!

Fell in love with this place & the people that call this lake home. I may never set foot on this barge again & be able to hug these kids... but i will never stop praying for them to grow up into Christ-following men & women who will lead a generation that honors & proclaims with boldness the power of the living God.

Houseboat Homestay 2014

Friday, November 13, 2015

Team of the Week: Spice Island Explorer

Team will explore, survey, and engage local tribal populations with Gospel intentionality. Travel to various locales seeking engagement with the local tribes. Survey the area and document what you find in reports for long term personnel. Prayer and Gospel preparation are crucial to the task as spiritual warfare is a reality and the enemy has strongholds in these areas.

First stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. These initial days will be filled with training to prepare you for the summer as well as team building. Following the summer you will return for a short debrief, sharing all that God has done.

IMB Job #: 111747
Location: Southeast Asia 
Team size: Team of 4 (2 guys, 2 girls)
Field expense: $1825 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Waray-Waray Prayer Update

Believers are divided in groups to practice leading Simply the Word (STW)
And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2 

Prayer concern:
  1. Pray for Waray-waray leaders and disciples to be raised up from every village & that they will also reach out to other villages with the gospel.
  2. Pray for Waray-waray people group that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened so that they will understand the truth and the urgency of the Great Commission.
  3. Pray for blessings for Waray-waray people's livelihood.
  4. Pray and support for the follow up team's food and travel expenses as they move from village to village up river.
  5. Pray for the follow up teams God's guidance, protection, strength and wisdom. 

Thank you to all partners and friends for praying and supporting me in this journey. To God be all the honor and glory. Amen. 

Brother in Christ,
Lovigie Dune A. Almine
Follow up team hiking into their area

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Quotes from the Heart: The Ones God Uses

How has your perception of a missionary & mission work changed as a result of this summer?

I always thought missions was for those with a specific skill set. They needed to be at a certain spiritual level, have some authority- the perfect Christian which obviously is non-existent. Now, I realize Christ calls the broken, the hurt, and the weak to lead, to be strong, to be the lights of the world.

P52 Detroit

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tell me how to know Jesus

This was the day Alice received her Bible. She cried tears of joy, and I cried with her. The previous day was the day she received Christ, her words pierced my heart and I could never forget them.
"I had been wishing someone would come and tell me how to know Jesus."
If you've heard me speak about my trip then you've heard her story. Not a day goes by that I don't remember these words. They changed me. I realized it's moments like this that I want to be a part of for the rest of my life; to be a part of what God is doing and to let Him use me wherever He will. Nothing else seems to matter anymore.
I have been told that Alice is now suffering persecution by her neighbors for studying the Bible, but she continues to study. That's what faith is. Please pray for Alice, that her faith would only grow in adversity.
There are so many people in the world whose hearts are ready, who simply need to be told how to follow Christ. Will you go to them?
So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, 'Do you understand what you are reading?' And he said, 'How can I, unless someone guides me?' And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.”   -Acts 8:30-31 ESV
Mtn Trek 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Quotes from the Heart: Storms of Life & Laundry

What was the funniest thing that happened to you this summer?

After taking a few hours to wash all our clothes (by hand) then as soon as we hung them out to dry... a storm came through and they all got soaked and were blown down the mountain into the mud. Storms like this were a part of daily life... we learned to just wash them again & move on through our day.

-Bohol, Philippines

Friday, November 6, 2015

Team of the Week: Urban Evangelism

Self-motivated, independent, responsible individuals for urban evangelism among Muslims and other religious backgrounds. Team will also help new personnel in mapping the city in an effort to help strategize for future work.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your
assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the

summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a joint debrief... sharing all God has done.

IMB Job #: 111737
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size: 12
Field expense: $2267 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Must Show them the Way

Tonight, this place has once again been on my heart. Some days, I think of a memory or two but lately I've missed it so much!

I thought specifically about these precious girls tonight and the sisters that they became over the summer.

I am so proud of Alyssa, Myra, and Mae as they continue to follow the Lord. I remember their baptisms as if it happened yesterday, and I am so excited to see what the Lord is doing in the lives of my teammates, Ate Alex and Allison. He is truly such a good Father, and He is fighting for His children every day. 

My mentor described to the team her experience in the Philippines in the best way possible. She said that she looked and saw so many people who wanted to serve God, and they just didn't know how to get to Him. These girls are just one of the many examples of the work that He will do if we show them the way. 

"Where I go, the King goes.
Where the King goes, His kingdom comes.
When His kingdom comes, the power to be must submit."

Bicol, Philippines

#MabutiAngDiyos #SalahatNgOras

Quotes from the Heart: Stand Firm

In what ways has God changed you through this experience?

God has shown me the lostness of this world. How I am obliged & honored to carry His name to those who need it. He has also showed me how He can work through me in anyway He sees fit. I'm not a person who gets in front of people & talks. It's not comfortable... but that was my whole summer. That's how we shared our stories. So, God had to give me courage to do this. I pray that when God asks me to stand in front of people & testify to His name that I will stand firm & not waiver.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lessons Learned... Later On

I can't even express how much I wish I could go back to this moment in Laos heart emoticon
I think with trips like this, the most important lessons you learn are the ones that continue to change you months later. I wish I could go back and do things differently, and take every opportunity I would have to show people love and trust HIM with whatever would come my way. Someday, hopefully we'll meet again!

Khoi yak pai Laos lai lai lai!
