Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Doing the Small Things

Life in Nu E is a lot different than life in the United States. We get up, have our personal quiet time, eat breakfast, and then go and share the Gospel. That’s it. We don’t have any specific ministry; we just ask people if they want to have a Bible study. Even though this doesn’t appear to be a major risk, we are being obedient to God’s command to bring the Gospel to the unreached, and we are accomplishing that by doing small things for God.

For example, on the first full day our adult volunteer team from our home church (The Journey Church) was in Nu E, Kuya Eriz, Mrs. Renee, and I were able to go to Ate E’s house, where we had shared a few times before. After introductions & small talk, we asked Ate if she was sure she was going to heaven, and if so, how. Ate answered, “Yes, by my good works.” In response, we decided to share how the thief on the cross beside Jesus professed faith and went to Heaven with Jesus, even though he was not able to accomplish any more good works. After sharing this and helping understand that Jesus’s death and resurrection is enough to save us, she expressed her belief that Christ is enough to have a relationship with God. This helps us see how being obedient and doing small things for God can lead to new believers.

Please pray for Ate E and her family, that they will all truly believe and accept Jesus. Pray that she has assurance that salvation is once and for all and that we can not do anything to earn our relationship with Jesus. 

Tropical Harvesters Team (Journey Church)