Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Gaining confidence in mobilizing

Darla, Hayden, and I attended a youth camp with over 1,300 students and 150 churches represented!! My team has never had to stand in front of groups ranging from 150 to over 500 at a time and mobilize before. Over those two weeks of camps we were able to gain SO much confidence while sharing about things we are all so passionate about. One camper came to us after our last lecture and said, “It sounded like you three have been doing this for years!!” 

Man, did we leave camp knowing the Holy Spirit worked through all of us so well that week! Seeing the joy and eagerness to hear more of the Great Commission from each and everyone at camp was so encouraging to me... especially when I was so nervous about mobilizing for the first time. It was a reminder to me as well that there are people who need to hear more about God's command, we just have to be willing to go and share with them. 

The staff were so kind and truly made us feel loved and welcomed during our stay. I'm so thankful for Darla and Hayden being my teammates during camp. I loved going through this experience with them and seeing the Lord grow their confidence and their hearts this week while
mobilizing hundreds of students to join in furthering God's Kingdom. My prayer for the students and for the staff is that they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and have a burden for the lost. 

NT365 Participant