The whole point of missions is to sow the seeds of the Gospel across the Earth and hope that the Holy Spirit will convict and move in the hearts that hear it. While meeting needs and performing good deeds are kind acts of service and definitely not meant to be discounted, soul winning is the heart of Christianity, and while I was with the second Agta team I visited, I got to see God claim a victory in a woman’s life.
We call her "Nanay Ipa". She was baptized last Tuesday on her birthday! |
Kelley Beth: We could see an obvious change in Nanay Ipa from the moment she was saved. It was physical as well as spiritual. Her eyes went from a constant look of defeat to joyful, hopeful, and eager for more of Christ. We left a Bible with her, and she hugged it close to her as soon as she got her hands on it – her hunger was obvious. She is such a picture of grace! She’s never had a Bible, and she knew so little, but it all came together for her through the Spirit. Now she says she is sad for people that don’t know Christ and is eager to share with them.
O’Neal: Ivan, one of our translators, and I baptized Nanay Ipa in a river close to her home. It was such an honor to be used by God in that way and to see the act of baptism from a different perspective. Baptism itself is such a cool picture of salvation, but to experience leading someone else through it and illustrating their salvation to her is definitely something I will never forget.
A new member of the family! |