Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Farm Week: Kaesi's perspective

I’ve always had a love for animals and nature. Going to the farm (Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center),I expected to work with animals, but nothing could have prepared me for what I learned. 

As we were settling in on Monday, we took a tour of the farm, and then learned to make an A-frame. The A-frame helps to level out the field where you’re planting. 

The rest of the week we worked with planting trees, feeding chickens and bunnies, catching tilapia in nets, and the goats. The goats were at the beginning of the week, we learned how to castrate, and dehorn. The look on everyone’s faces during castration was the best part! The dehorning was the worst for me, hearing the baby goat scream was horrible. 

Throughout farm week I learned a lot about farming and livestock. Along with that, the solitude was much needed. I learned to seek God, and talk to Him about everything. On the last full day we went up into the mountains, and got to see all of God’s wonderful creation. I couldn’t help but stare in awe and thank God for His mercy and grace. 

Through conversations with others & prayer, i realized it is finally time to give my all to Christ, surrender to Him and be baptized. I learned so much this week, but the most important thing I learned is that God is everywhere, and He is in control. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Monday, October 16, 2023

Farm Week: David's perspective

The Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC) was fun and I experienced a lot that I would never have had the chance to back home in Singapore. Here are some reflections from this farm week:

This week, we were reading the early chapters of Leviticus, about sacrifices and such. Working with animals, especially goats, provided insight into how things would have worked out in the Old Testament. Leviticus became so much clearer to understand, and I honestly enjoyed reading it. The timing seemed almost intentional.

I read The Way of the Cross this week. It made me reflect on my relationship with God and those around me. It is a great book, and I recommend you read it.

We had lessons on Community Development as well, applying our skills to the field. It was interesting to see the methods and planning behind various ministries. It made me ponder over the amount of planning that went behind the Nehemiah Teams program. I can appreciate the rules a lot more now.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Being Thankful

I just want to say how thankful I am for what God has done in my life. A big part of that, especially this month, has been done through our two ministry leaders, Karen and Rose. They have shown us the meaning of being bold in one’s faith and have really exemplified so much of what it looks like to abide in God and follow in obedience. Praise God for them. 

Praise God for what He is doing in your life. Before you leave this post, take a second and consider, “Are you really willing to sacrifice everything for God? For the Gospel? For Obedience?" 

I pray that if you are not in that place that you will seek God and find Him full of love and patience, as He will lead you on these hard paths, of righteousness, for His name’s sake. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Challenges are Opportunities

Challenges are opportunities for our personal & spiritual growth. They also provide room for God to shine through. This past weekend God did that once again as we struggled with transportation & direction to our location for the day.

En route to our destination, the taxi GPS wasn't working. Every so often, our driver would ask  people for directions. Eventually we arrived at the trail head, but it was still a two hour hike from where we needed to be. A local family who had hiked the trail many times before stopped us and offered to go with us. They were a gift from God.

If God hadn’t sent them to help us, we may have ended up lost in the mountains for a few hours longer than needed. The few hours we spent hiking also gave us the opportunity to build a friendship with them which led to some brief Gospel conversations. Along the journey we experienced incredible views and looking back you can see God’s hand in the day from beginning to end. The challenges we had for the day led to opportunities for God to work... both in us & through us.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Practice, practice, practice!!

Reaching our one month mark, I’ve realized that during weekend ministry evangelizing on the streets isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. But, with practice, consistency, and learning new methods, I’ve been improving each weekend. 

I’ve been finding new methods and approaches to start conversations and learning about people’s lives. It takes a lot of prayer and patience to let God lead my message. When conversations do not go very well, I've realized there is no need to be discouraged because God is the one who changes hearts.

Please pray for those we engage in conversations with. Pray that truths of the Gospel will be planted in their hearts.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Homesickness < His Love

The longer I’m away from home, the more I realize how much I took for granted. I miss riding in the car and talking with my mom. Sitting on the floor telling my dad every detail of my 6am-2pm shift. I miss listening to my youngest brother attempting to read his chapter book. I miss sharing a bathroom with my best friend. I miss my friends being a 20 minute drive or a phone call away. I miss being home alone.

It can be hard to stay focused on what God has called me to here when i'm missing home. I’m missing out on my brother’s senior year, lacrosse games, last prom, graduation. I’m not there to help him fill out college applications or give him girl advice. I’m missing out on friendships back home, new jobs, promotions, relationships. I’m missing out on living daily life with people back in America. I’m missing being with my church family, Worshipping together with people who have poured into me so much spiritually. Listening and praising God in my own language.

It can be hard because I’ve been praised for sacrificing so much. But I think of how easy my load is compared to the one who laid down His life for mine. 

I think of those who don’t know of the freedom we have in Christ. My heart is burdened by the lostness of the world. And it makes it easy to give up the comfort of my air-conditioned home in Dallas, GA. The ease of getting in my car and going for a drive, the privilege of a hot shower, the convenience of throwing my clothes in a washing machine. 

The homesickness, the sacrifices, none of it can be compared to the things Christ experienced because of my sin. And so many don’t know He did it for theirs too. Until then, I’ll sing His praise till the whole world hears.

NT365 Gap Year participant

Thursday, October 12, 2023

My All Sufficient One

Me: God, why don’t they just receive the gift of Jesus’ life? Is being stuck in their same patterns of sin, living in utter darkness and being eternally separated from God in Hell really less terrifying than giving our temporary lives to you in exchange for a deeply satisfying eternal life with Jesus?

God: Why would you not receive my grace sooner, Holly? You were believing lies about yourself, Me, and others that kept you chained. My loving arms were and are always open to you. I used your parents, friends, books, movies, my Word, non-coincidental moments, and other’s testimonies to draw you to my heart. Still, you held me at arms length. It was not until 7x70 rock bottoms and 7x70 forgivenesses that you started to understand and receive my grace. You had to be chased down and shown my radical, self-sacrificing love millions of times before you could receive me. You also have to continue to receive this love, by My Holy Spirit, to “throw off every sin and weight that hinders”. Freedom from the pit and chains of darkness come when you realize two things in the core of your heart. One, I love you unconditionatlly (even when you grieve and anger me) and two, there is only death and condemnation apart from Me. Who can accept these 2 truths lightly if they haven’t tasted and seen that God is truly good? Therefore, have patience while praying for their salvation, building relationships and sharing clearly and boldly the Gospel that saved your life. You must not underestimate the faithful sharing of the Gospel, because it is God who is Sovereign over salvation. I will empower you to be longsuffering, humble, and deeply loving. Rest in Me my daughter. I am your All Sufficient One.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Disconnect to Connect

Transitioning from constantly being surrounded by everyone you know and love, to a new culture with strangers in a time period of 72 hours was not an easy adjustment. One thing we have done to truly make sure we learn to love the people here as well as each other is by disconnecting from America. At first it was a hard adjustment, but God has used the team and His Word to teach me to lean on Him. God has taught me to rely on Him rather than people, and although it was not an easy lesson to learn, I have grown closer to God because of it. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Take up your cross & follow Me

It is so easy to come up with ways we can live for Christ while staying in the comfortable and familiar. I have been reminded of the task God has truly commanded of his children. “Take up your cross and follow me” is what He is asking. 

“Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”  Matt. 28:19

I have realized the weight of this task. The challenge of self denial. The sacrifice of this commitment. Will the challenges that lie ahead be worth the costs? I can answer yes without the shadow of a doubt, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not afraid. Within this fear and uncertainty I cling to the last phrase of the Great Commission, a phrase I hope to never overlook, saying, “Behold I am with you always to the end of the age.” He has gone before me and is with me now. What do I have to fear?

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Friday, October 6, 2023

Flexibility in Ministry

The ability to “go with the flow”. One thing I know about myself is that I like to know what’s going to happen. I’d like to say I go with the flow, but really, I crave structure. Now in AOT we have a lot of structure. But in weekend ministry and other outings, I’ve caught myself doubting the plan, or trying to change the plan to better suit me. However, the Lord has questioned my heart saying, “Do you not believe I am in control?” 

Obviously, I know & trust He is in control of the big things in my life, but I have to allow Him to be in control of the small things too. I’m praying I would be slow to speak, and quick to trust the Lord. Flexibility is a big part of the life of a missionary. And this is the training ground. I am praying to remember the Lord’s patience and grace as I learn to trust Him more and more each day.

NT365 Participant

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Power through abiding in God's word

One challenge that I have faced is outreach. Each weekend we spend time at a small Bible study, go house to house, and witness to teenagers at a park. I initially had a hard time starting conversations and felt awkward without any idea on what to say. But, the parable of the prodigal son has worked very well at showing God’s mercy. 
Jesus’ parable gives a relatable story of a father’s love and mercy, which is a reflection of God’s love. God’s word is powerful and daily study allows me to abide in Him. 

We have started the book os Acts in our reading plan. Please pray that our study encourages us, guides us, and makes us more like Christ. Please pray that our witness would make Jesus’ love known in the Philippines.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

He opens their ears

Dealing with strangers has never been a strong point of mine. I stumble over words in my daily speech. I struggle to make coherent points even when talking about my dearest interests. Yet I have found through prayer that God helps me overcome this shortcoming. I would be speaking what I know and the words just flow out. During my conversations I would constantly pray for the people’s eyes to be opened so that they would see the truth. 

In the two most recent opportunities I had to share the Gospel, I was able to witness conviction in those I am sharing to. I was still stuttering with my words, but my listeners have always been able to follow me. I myself have no skill for speaking, but God can always open the ears of the listeners to hear His Word.

AOT International Participant