As we walked down the street filled with karaoke clubs and bars, I
struggled to smile as I followed three precious young girls to a vacant
parking lot.
As we walked I felt the darkness: the depth of the sin sickness, penetrating even into these girl’s childhoods.
And I see what the enemy has stolen. Children’s innocence. Women's dignity.
Little girl's dreams of one day wearing white and walking down the aisle to marry their prince charming, become dreams of the foreign man that just bought them for the night coming back and being their boyfriend and caring for their children. Their customers become their only hope of redemption from this lifestyle.
And its so obvious.
We pass by with these young girls, going to just spend time with them. Giving them attention and love that they rarely, if ever, receive from home. The same parking lot that we play in will soon become the same lot that the van loads of foreign men will park in. They won't stay long, only long enough for a drink and to pick a girl, then they load up the vans with them and return to their hotels.
This sight is the norm for these young girls. Though they are so young, they know. How can they not? The backyard they should be able to play in without a care is instead the enemy's playground. He's stolen it, corrupting everything good.
But He didn't stop there. He's stealing their childhood friends. Girls their same age. Other little girls who should be out there with us, playing and giggling, instead are putting on their makeup and high heels- being dressed to pass as much older than their age, though they are only 13.
As we hit the birdie back and forth, this is the reality.
But God isn't done yet. He hasn't forgotten them. He hasn't turned His face.
He knows. He sees. He is El Roi.
And He is pursuing them.
Though we only have 9 days left here in Thailand- we are expecting God to do big things. We are desperate for God to save the people we have invested in. We are begging the Lord to break the chains and to set these girl's free from bondage, not only physically but spiritually. I have faith that He can and will do far more abundantly than we could ever ask or imagine.
This morning my team listened to a song that perfect culminates what this summer has been for us.
You can listen here: Take Back, United Pursuit
"I know God has not forgotten
All that's lost and broken
So, come and see the turning of the times
Come and see His sons and daughters rise
For how could He who did not spare His own son
Not freely give us victory
Against the darkest of nights
We're gonna take back
All the enemy has stolen
We're gonna plunder the pits of hell"
That's exactly what we're doing- plundering the pits of hell. Going into the darkest of nights and trusting that He has already won the victory.
For His glory,