They warned us it would be hard. Coming back. Everyone says welcome home
and wants to hear about my journey but there are some problems:
1. I'm not
home. This summer taught me more than ever that only heaven is my
home... and until I am kneeling up there before my Jesus, surrounded by
the nations worshiping Him in every tongue, my heart will be restless
and my feet will keep wandering this wide earth to carry the gospel to
those without hope.
2. Words. Can't. Even. I try, genuinely try, to
communicate all God did this summer and how He changed me, but words
fall short. How can I put into the words the ache in my heart for the
people we left and the burning in my soul for the nations to know Him
and the jittery feeling of frustration as I observe the "Christian
hipsters" of our generation complacently talking of world change while
sitting over coffee doing nothing with this treasure of the gospel???
Did you know that there are over 3.5 billion people who haven't heard the gospel??? The easy places have already been reached. The places that are left are the hard to reach (which is why they are still unreached) the deep jungles and on the tops of mountains... the places without water and the places that flood... the places wrecked by the elements and considered "harsh" and unlivable"... the places filthy and disease-infested in the middle of cities and trash dumps where the people are "nobodies" and don't even speak the common language and they haven't heard because no one is taking the time to learn their language and love on them.... and oh if this isn't breaking your heart yet, do you remember where they are going? Those who have not heard the gospel and do not know what Jesus did for them on the cross are dying and going to hell because John 14:6 makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is the only way and their blood is crying up from the earth... "if only I had known the truth, if only someone had told me about Him, I knew there was something bigger than me that's why I worshiped idols because I thought maybe...." and Jesus is looking at His church and crying out... Do you not see? Can you not hear above the noise of your Christian music and comfortable culture the sound of people dying without ever knowing they can have a relationship with me???
2014 Rural Healthcare Team, Philippines