Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A pretty sweet deal

With a few of my students on our recent week of Outdoor Education
A few years ago, after the calling God had placed on my life to serve cross-culturally full time overseas, if you had told me I was going to be where I am now... working with Nehemiah Teams in the spread of the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation and teaching at an international school for missionary kids... I don't think I would have believed you. Nope, I wouldn't. 

I did know that God had some great plans for me up his sleeve, and I know he still does, but I am so thankful for where he has me right now. Besides the whole "not getting paid thing," I really have it pretty great. Not only to I get to help with Nehemiah Teams, I also get to do something that I truly love but never expected to get to do on the mission field... teach History. The best part is that by teaching a subject that I love, I also get to have a Christ-filled impact on 50 teenaged "third culture kids"... many of whom do not know Jesus.

When I am not teaching, I get to be involved in mobilizing others to fullfill the Great Commission and I get to share Jesus with those who do not know him. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal doesn't it?

You should join me! Faith International Academy, where I teach, has a huge need for this coming school year including two Secondary English teachers. Check out the video below and our website, for more information.
