Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Is His Word Enough?

In Nehemiah chapter 8, we see the importance of God's word. So let me ask this, "Is God's word absolutely enough? Think about in the church, if we take away the air conditioning, the comfy seats, the cool lights, the rockin' music, is solely Gods word enough?" The answer is YES.
This summer I spent 2 months in Ivory Coast, Africa where every Sunday I was in a different church. No air conditioning. No comfy seats. No smoke machines or colorful lights. No crazy band and rock Christian music. None of that. All there was were the native Africans and their voices singing... dancing and praising God and studying His word together.

This summer through church in Africa God showed me His word is more than enough. None of the other things matter, His word is what matters. We put on a show in our churches of cool music and lights when none of that matters but our voices and spirits being lifted up to Him and studying His word. Because it is enough for us and it is what matters. 

Sitting in an African service, all in French with no translation half the time, drenched in my own sweat, I was happier than I have ever been. Because God showed me His word was enough for me and my soul. Through His word and the Holy Spirit, He spoke so much to me. Also, think about all the people who have to meet in secret to have church. They do not have anything except Gods word. I pray that we could all realize how important Gods word is and love His word like those risking their lives around the world to study it do.

Ivory Coast