Monday, July 10, 2017

Prayer Requests from the Farm

We have been sent out in the Master's field in Southeast Asia, but everyone reading this is also an active part in the His kingdom work here!

Please, earnestly pray for our local co-workers who lately have been held back by intense fear. It plagues this place and holds them back from experiencing Christ's pure love. Their families and friends often live in darkness, falling into drunkenness, apathy, and fear. Fear grips them all, and it easily creeps into the lives of believers here. So pray for them, and for us as we minister alongside them!

As a team, pray that prayer would take priority in our daily lives. Our schedule fills up fast and prayer can become an oversight quickly. But half of the battle is fought through prayer, and we have the Victor on our side! Praise Him for never letting go, and for always sticking with us.

Your friends,
Farm Community Interns