Monday, July 8, 2019

An Open Heart

Frank* is one of the people we met at the first ice cream social. He is from a Middle Eastern country and had just recently finished his second undergraduate degree. We all have become great friends with him. He has attended many of our events, and we have had multiple gospel conversations with him. Frank seems very open to the gospel. When we talk about it, he listens; when we read the Bible with him, he reads along with us. He has even opened his home to us. He made us pizza and chai tea. While we were enjoying the
delicious refreshments, he turned on a video of a local wedding from his country. He was quick to point himself out in the video and explained to us the different traditions. This opened a conversation about marriage and how Western and Eastern weddings differed. Anytime we are available to hang out, Frank is there with us. Keep praying that Frank sees the truth and beauty of the gospel. 

-P52 Newark Team

*Names changed for security purposes