Three of the NT365 Gap Year students, all guys, were deployed to nearby Southeast Asia country. Read some updates from their last couple weeks of ministry:
We found 2 groups of young people & have been getting to know them really well. We have shared the truth/good news with them in all of its entirety. Many good, in-depth conversations have taken place. Pray that these seeds will continue to be nurtured & grow, bearing much fruit.
We've also been hanging out at a night market. We have met many people through this opportunity & had multiple follow up appointments with customers. Pray that we would view each of these "appointments" as divine appointments to share Truth.
Soccer is a popular local sport so we've started playing indoor soccer with a group of men. We plan to meet with them again before we leave & share the Good News with them. Pray for boldness as we share the greatest story every told.
On top of all this, we have formed a close relationships with the manager of a local coffee shop. We're meeting with him on a regular basis, giving him English lessons. Through these lessons we have read the Word, watched a Jesus film, & had many deep discussions about the Truth. Pray for a thirst to develop that can only be quenched by the Living Water.