Wednesday, January 11, 2023

His power... not ours

Our team had a great month in our Southeast Asian country. It was full of much fun and adventure! The workers were very kind and welcomed us warmly. We had a great time making friends but that didn’t come without hardships. Much of our time was spent going and doing things rather than focusing on studying/meditating on the Word. 

We saw that this really affected our relationships with each other as we tried to do ministry through us and not by abiding in the Lord. We learned a lot from our one month in this country about ourselves, each other, and the character of God. The Father showed us that we are incapable of saving people by ourselves. It is only by Him that we can do this ancient work effectively. His power is greater than ours, His will be done. May His name be glorified in the dark places as we carry His lamp there. 

NT365 Participant