Saturday, December 30, 2023

Opportunities & Strongholds

It’s been a little over a week in our new location and I can already tell... leaving will be hard. We’ve met so many young girls our age and gotten to know and connect with almost each and every one. We’ve heard their stories and learned more about their beliefs. We're thankful that God has opened doors for us to share ours too. 

This place has been like no other place I’ve been to. The strongholds the devil has on the people here are heartbreaking. Thankfully, God has provided opportunities to share and has opened some of the hearts and
minds to want to know more. I continue to pray that that doesn't cease even after we leave. 

NT365 Gap Year participant
Asia Pacific Rim

What I've Learned this Month: Shealee

The biggest lesson from this last month, is just how many opportunities there are for ministry in our day to day lives. It’s an endless opportunity. Just about any hobby, interest, skill, business, or activity can be used for God's glory. I have learned to loosen up and have fun, try new things, and enjoy the company while trying to be intentional with the people around me. 

I have also learned how to tell when I myself need to step back and recharge, so that when I am with people I can be fully present. 

Since in our new country this month, the biggest challenge we faced was the strongholds of the main religions. Many people were open to listen to us, and many had never heard what we had to say. We learned lots about their culture and beliefs as well as being able to share ours. 

For me personally, I also struggled with doing my daily quiet time in the morning. Many times I did it in the afternoon or evening instead, but I have come to learn that doing my quiet time in the morning makes a huge difference in my day. Starting the day off right by getting into God's word, especially when paired with a beautiful sunrise, is the best thing I can be doing for myself spiritually. I encourage y’all to try it for yourselves. 

This last month I have also learned more about our team members, their strengths and weaknesses as well as who they are as people in general. I have been continually inspired by their vulnerability and sensitivity to how God is leading them.

NT365 Gap Year Participant
Asia Pacific Rim

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Jesus is our Hope

As I reflect on the past month I am recognizing yet again that the world has such need for our Savior. The people here need him so desperately. As we sit & talk with people, we often hear stories filled with sadness, loss, and brokenness. There is a fire in my heart for each of them to have the joy of understanding that Jesus is our hope. For them to know that with Christ the pain is temporary. The brokenness will soon be restored. But these things are ONLY through Christ. Christ is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him. It is heartbreaking to see so many slaves for what Jesus has already won for us. We are set free and our hope is only in him. 

We entered into a home where there was a sweet old lady suffering in so much pain. I think there were many sources of her pain but I couldn’t help but see the massive infection in her foot. They have no doctor for her. Her pain has no relief. As we had Bible study with her daughters I could only focus on her as she kept crying out with tears running down her face. 

This reminded me of the longing each of us have for suffering to cease. I couldn’t help but grieve the reality that this day will never come for those who do not know Christ. Eternal punishment, eternal separation, eternal thirst and fire with no relief. These people need hope, they need the assurance that Jesus will come to wipe every tear from their eyes. They need joy in the fact that Jesus Christ has suffered so that we do not have to. They desperately need Jesus. 

It has been hard to share with many people and know that when we leave there will be barely anyone else to tell them. The few Christian churches that exist on this island are unstable and pastors are not well equipped. The Believers need a shepherd, they need someone to show the way. Each of our group found one believer and began to disciple them. We gave them bibles and taught them as much as we could in the short time we had with them. As our time comes to leave, we trust that God will continue to work in their lives. 

We pray for them with expectant hearts. 

We pray also for people who are lovers of Christ to uproot their lives so that they may live among these people, providing discipleship, evangelism, and fellowship. 

We must ask the Lord if the harvest to send workers. The Lord was at work in many ways over this month and I know his work is far beyond what we can see.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

No Matter What Comes... GO!

While on our one month deployment on the island, my biggest challenge has been being flexible and trusting God with whatever comes my way. Back home, life is more on my terms, at my pace and doing things I think are best. The two words “my” and “I” are difficult to turn down. Some of this is subconscious and some is not. 

An example of this struggle was on the first week when I wasn’t excited and felt tired of going out when I thought “people just keep giving the same answer plus good works”. Of course I still had to go and didn’t want to feel this way. 

Amazingly, like God always does, He changed my heart attitude, and gave me strength to share the gospel as I stepped out in obedience. I know renewing my mind in the truth about who God is and recounting His faithfulness is vital to spiritual warfare & growth. God helped me through these times of apathy by reminding me of the joy of my salvation. The gospel is a gift I can’t keep to myself, no matter how I feel or what warfare comes my way. “For the battle is not [mine], but God’s.” (2 Ch 20:15)

NT365 Gap Year Participant
Holly with her team mates

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

His Love for Me

David & Will
A slave I was, my master Sin —
Eternal death its wages be.
In bliss of ignorance I lived,
Not knowing hell awaited me.

The Lord, He knew me and my fate —
No man can pay my ransom fee.
He saw me in my wretched state;
He loved and gave His Son for me.

A fairer Judge has never been —
No bribe can ever void my fine.
An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth,
A life for life, His life for mine.

Into the world my King did come,
To live the life I should have lived
And die the death I would have died.
'Twas by His grace Life I received.

Three days He lay inside a tomb.
Three days Sin crowed its victory.
The third day Christ arose and claimed
The win for all eternity.

A slave no more, I've been redeemed.
My price is paid; I'm free from Sin.
My God I love. My Lord I serve.
His Life shines out from me within.

NT365 Gap Year participant

Christmas... it's not about me

As we got closer and closer to Christmas, it’s been weird. It didn’t feel like Christmas here. It’s still 80+ degrees, little to no decorations, no hot chocolate, no Christmas movies, my family’s 9,000 miles away, no Christmas music, no present shopping, and did I mention... it’s hot here? 

A couple of days ago, if you talked to me about Christmas, I would just have avoided it. I wanted nothing to do with it because it just made me sad that I wasn’t going to be home. But the meaning of Christmas, as we all know, is about Jesus’s birth. It’s about how He came to give us love, hope and joy. No matter what’s going on in your year or life, that message always stays the same. I’ve grown up knowing this but being stripped of the Christmas traditions and things that also remind me of Christmas have just made me remember it more. 

Christmas isn’t about all those things I listed. It’s about Jesus. His life started for us. It started and it ended like ours does. But without Jesus, ours would have ended, and we wouldn’t have  the chance to go to heaven. Yet, because of Jesus, we do! I came here to share that chance with the people around me. To share with others that love, hope, and joy that I have in Jesus. 

So, even though my Christmas is looking a lot different this year... and it still makes me sad at times... this trip isn’t about me. If it was, I would probably be home right now for the holidays. But it’s about sharing the love of Jesus and what He’s done for us. I am honored that I get to share the true meaning of Christmas with the people i've met. I hope the true meaning of Christmas is still in your heart. 

Merry Christmas!
NT365 Gap Year participant

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Life Lived in True Obedience: Tatum

Leading youth mobilization event
I don’t think I realized how radically different my life would be when I surrendered a year of comfort to the Lord. When all distractions from back home were gone, the Lord opened my eyes. My days were wholly devoted to Him and He moved. He moved my heart. I spent intentional time with my Heavenly Father, being still and being active in sharing the gospel. He gave me a joy for missions. His love became my love and more of His heart was revealed to me. I had my own plans and my plans made me anxious. The Lord has given me peace and excitement for the seasons to come because He will be there. 

I will continue missions wherever the Lord places me. I desire to train these feet of mine to run with the lost in mind. To be urgent and to be love as Jesus is love. 

I wanted to take a year and realign my heart and mind, allowing myself to be humble before God who would be the only one on the throne of my life. I don’t only want to give Him a year. I want to give Him every year that I am able on this side of heaven. A life lived in true obedience to the call that He has given each and every person who follows Him. “Go tell the world about Me”

AOT International participant

Sunday, December 3, 2023

I Can't Wait: Brielle

This chapter is officially over! We have had our highs and lows but we have also learned so much. God has shown His great love in many different ways. Our time in AOT has truly given me peace about continuing in missions and has truly opened my eyes to the need for missionaries.

God has revealed to me ways that I could go into the mission field. He has put a heavy burden on my heart to GO! God calls us all to missions whether that’s at home or overseas. He calls us to step out of our comfort zones and to bring glory to Him in all that we do. God has worked on me through each and every one of the leaders we have had and through their faithfulness to God and their selfless sacrifices to us.

I truly can’t wait to see where God takes us and what God does next with each of us. I can’t wait to see what God reveals to us about who we are and where we are called to serve. God gave us the command to go and tell the world about Him. I am thankful that I can follow His command wherever I may end up and that He has been with me in all that I have done. I am thankful that He calls me and that He knows me by name. Lastly I am thankful that He died for me on the rugged tree.

NT365 participant

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Burden for the Lost: Will

I have learned and grown so much during AOT. The lessons progressively went through core scriptural truths. I have greatly enjoyed the valuable fellowship with peers who are actively pursuing Christ. Because of this fellowship and study, I have grown in my relationship with God. Our study of God’s Word has given me a burden for the lost. 

I regret how I have been unfaithful in soul winning and I pray that God would give me boldness in sharing His love. Please pray that God would use the NT AOT students for His glory.

NT365 participant

Friday, December 1, 2023

What I've Learned: Kaesi

During my time at AOT, I have learned so much about sharing the gospel and studying the Bible. God has shown me who He is, and how to listen to Him. I’ve learned how to seek Him, and how to hear Him, through His word, or even through people around me. 

Outside of classes, I’ve also learned a lot. There have been a lot of ups and downs. I’ve learned to be slow to anger, and to be kind even when people aren’t kind back. I’ve also learned that I don’t have to fight battles alone. God is always there, and all I have to do is pray and He will answer. I have also been shown that I need to have fellowship and be united with fellow siblings in Christ. Without unity and love for fellow Christians, how can we show love to people we are sharing the gospel with? 

Before all of this, I had planned on being a teacher and staying in Tennessee my whole life. I’ve always been fairly shy around people, so I never would’ve thought I could fly across the world with 13 strangers, live with them and share the gospel to other strangers with them. But after being here with them, I wouldn’t imagine doing anything else. 

There may be some rough points, but I have learned so much from these people, and have learned to love every one of them. After learning all that I have from AOT, my path for the future has changed so much. I am going to listen to what the Lord has planned for me. I will continue to share His word and teach others to do the same.

NT365 participant