Thursday, December 28, 2023

Jesus is our Hope

As I reflect on the past month I am recognizing yet again that the world has such need for our Savior. The people here need him so desperately. As we sit & talk with people, we often hear stories filled with sadness, loss, and brokenness. There is a fire in my heart for each of them to have the joy of understanding that Jesus is our hope. For them to know that with Christ the pain is temporary. The brokenness will soon be restored. But these things are ONLY through Christ. Christ is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him. It is heartbreaking to see so many slaves for what Jesus has already won for us. We are set free and our hope is only in him. 

We entered into a home where there was a sweet old lady suffering in so much pain. I think there were many sources of her pain but I couldn’t help but see the massive infection in her foot. They have no doctor for her. Her pain has no relief. As we had Bible study with her daughters I could only focus on her as she kept crying out with tears running down her face. 

This reminded me of the longing each of us have for suffering to cease. I couldn’t help but grieve the reality that this day will never come for those who do not know Christ. Eternal punishment, eternal separation, eternal thirst and fire with no relief. These people need hope, they need the assurance that Jesus will come to wipe every tear from their eyes. They need joy in the fact that Jesus Christ has suffered so that we do not have to. They desperately need Jesus. 

It has been hard to share with many people and know that when we leave there will be barely anyone else to tell them. The few Christian churches that exist on this island are unstable and pastors are not well equipped. The Believers need a shepherd, they need someone to show the way. Each of our group found one believer and began to disciple them. We gave them bibles and taught them as much as we could in the short time we had with them. As our time comes to leave, we trust that God will continue to work in their lives. 

We pray for them with expectant hearts. 

We pray also for people who are lovers of Christ to uproot their lives so that they may live among these people, providing discipleship, evangelism, and fellowship. 

We must ask the Lord if the harvest to send workers. The Lord was at work in many ways over this month and I know his work is far beyond what we can see.

NT365 Gap Year Participant