Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Meet the Team: Philippines Rural Healthcare

Hi everyone!

My name is Lenna & I'm the media intern for the Rural Healthcare team this summer in the Philippines. I will be sharing various updates on what the Lord is doing through this team over the summer as well as photos of our experiences. 

Let's get started.... meet the team! 

Our team leader, Lindy (19) is currently a junior studying nursing at Mississippi College. 
Madison (19) is at Samford University studying Health Sciences, pre-PA. 
Emily (19) is also studying nursing at Murray State University. 
Lenna is 21 and just graduated from Central Ohio Technical College with an Associate of Arts in English. 
Kristel (18), one of our translators, is working towards her AB English major in English language at a local college. She also teaches the Bible to students ages 7-16. 
Roselle (17), our other translator, currently goes to high school in another province. Her favorite subject is history. She is also a worship leader at her church. 

We are all eager to see what the Lord will do as we encourage one another in pursuit of surrendering ourselves to His will daily. We have already been filled with joy by the welcoming people of the barangay (village) where we are staying for the next couple of weeks. Saturday morning, we met with the barangay officials and made our schedule for the week— they eagerly included us in the village’s scheduled activities for the week, and we worked together to schedule Bible studies & health classes the team will be teaching.  Our prayer is that as we lead these bible studies, people would have open and receptive hearts and minds to reading from the Bible and seeing what it says for themselves— and that from this, we would have an open door to share the true message of the gospel with them. 

We have already been so blessed to see how the Lord is working here. We have been able to specifically connect and share with a few of the teenagers in the barangay who are expressing interest in the gospel. 

Our prayer?? We would be faithful in sharing the truth with them and that the Lord would use that in their hearts to draw them to Him!

Rural Healthcare Team