Friday, August 2, 2024

Final encouragement from Brazil

We spent our last few days in county in Rio de Janiero. It has been fantastic to rest for a few days and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation here as well. The views have been amazing and we’ve spent much time with a missionary family that has been in Brazil for just 6 months. They told me about their struggle as they learn the language and attempt to evangelize while doing so.

I have learned so much this summer about myself and the God’s calling to us. If you ever considered missions and have said, “I don’t feel called to do ministry or mission work,” you are mistaken. 

We are ALL called to go and make disciples. God may have placed you in the city where you grew up or in a city on the other side of the world, but He called to you to share the Gospel wherever you are. 

When talking to my former college pastor a few months ago, we were talking about the idea of vocational ministry. I told him that I was considering ministry, meaning vocationally, of course, but he made a correction that has stuck with me ever since. He said, “Well, our whole lives are our ministry, you’re just deciding whether you want to do it vocationally or not.” 

My final encouragement to you before I come home in a few days is this... GO! You may not have the opportunity that I did to go overseas, but there are lost people all around you. Tell them about the understanding, healing, giving, loving God of the universe! Do not let them miss out on the gift of eternity with Him in Glory!

Project 1:11

Thursday, August 1, 2024

What kind of mark will you leave??

Our Nehemiah Team girls have left their marks on our ministry and lives. Will you pray for them as they re-enter american life over these next few weeks? Pray the Lord continues to speak to them through their experiences this summer... how will what they've learned redirect their lives??

-Zambia NextGen Ministry Team

Testing of faith

Spending time in Guam tested my faith more than ever before.  At all times, I had to be prepared to give an account of the hope that is in me, because we were constantly put on the spot to speak in church or share something in a small group. Most people on the Island of Guam have heard about Jesus, but they do not understand the meaning of an intimate relationship with Him. This was the hardest thing, because the people knew about Jesus but they did not know Jesus.  

Through IMB & Nehemiah Teams, we were equipped and prepared to go and share the love of God. I am so thankful for the impact Guam and Nehemiah Teams has had on me. The Lord is hard at work in Guam, and I am so glad He called me to be a part of it for a short period of time.  

Team Guam