Thursday, August 1, 2024

Testing of faith

Spending time in Guam tested my faith more than ever before.  At all times, I had to be prepared to give an account of the hope that is in me, because we were constantly put on the spot to speak in church or share something in a small group. Most people on the Island of Guam have heard about Jesus, but they do not understand the meaning of an intimate relationship with Him. This was the hardest thing, because the people knew about Jesus but they did not know Jesus.  

Through IMB & Nehemiah Teams, we were equipped and prepared to go and share the love of God. I am so thankful for the impact Guam and Nehemiah Teams has had on me. The Lord is hard at work in Guam, and I am so glad He called me to be a part of it for a short period of time.  

Team Guam