Friday, February 28, 2025

True joy in Jesus: Cambree

The Lord has been teaching me to live Romans 12:9-16. How to love & love genuinely. How to take the lead in honoring others & be patient when things are hard & pray always. To rejoice with those who rejoice and help carry the burdens of those who weep. 

He is teaching me that to truly live a selfless life is to think of others as more important than myself. (Philippians 2:3). I know that verse, but do I live it?? 

This past month has been a month of realizing that the Lord still wants to teach me SO much, and i'm grateful for that. I am learning how to really be a doer of the Word, especially when it's hard. 

It's easy to read the Bible and only listen to the verses I like, but that's not the way God has called me to live. I have found true joy in reading the Word daily and actually LOOKING for ways I need to grow- so I can become more like Jesus. 

I am not ashamed at all to admit that I am weak & being convicted for something new like every single day, because that means I have more opportunity to grow & become who God has created me to me. I could write a book at this point honestly... but probably the biggest thing i have learned is that I have to let Christ be my strength. Some days are super hard here & I cannot be independent or think I can do anything without Jesus, because I actually can't. I need Him more & more every day.
