Showing posts with label 2016 NT/P52. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016 NT/P52. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Look What God Can Do.... through Alex too!

3 summers ago, I embarked on a journey to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for my first summer missions trip where I was given this little book to read for the first time. Who knew something so small could make such a difference in my life?! 

It is crazy to think how vastly different my life is now. I have gone through a lot these past 3 years: moving states twice, transferring universities, 2 summer missions terms, a summer youth internship, losing my grandmother, moving countries for a season, meeting so many new and beautiful people, making amazing friends, losing some friends along the way, traveling to my 6th continent, and following Jesus to the best of my ability. Each of these hold both good and bad memories. Through all the change, the loss, the gain, the failures, and the triumphs, I did not always know how to handle it all, nor did I always execute it all gracefully. But through reading this book and the constant scripture referenced throughout it, I was able to read about God’s Word coming to life in the lives of past and present warriors of my faith. 

I read about ordinary people like William Carey, a shoe cobbler, being unsettled about the reality of lostness and dedicated to his part in doing something about it. 

I read about Lottie Moon, a very small, seemingly insignificant woman, creating a new definition for the word “servanthood” and who Southern Baptist name our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering after. 

I read about Jim Elliot, a young man with a young family, who’s bravery and faith let to martyrdom and influenced hundreds, maybe even thousands, to follow Jesus’ command to complete the great commission. 

I’ve read this tiny book too many times to count. Each time I read it, it becomes more and more evident that this book was written about people who were ordinary, simply human, and sinful- much like myself! And yet, look what God can do! They had complete faith to trust God and follow Him to wherever He may lead. They had weaknesses just like the rest of us. As the Bible says, His power is made perfect in weakness. To me, this is life-changing! This is such good news! 

He knows we are going to fail sometimes. He knows our deepest hurts, thoughts, desires, sorrows, joys, and failures and He uses all of it for His glory and for the nations to be drawn to Himself. Right now for me, as much as I want to succeed at everything, I’m sure I will fail many, many more times. But, His power is made perfect in my weaknesses. The craziest thing is, more change is coming! I literally have no clue what the next chapter of my life will hold, and that’s okay. God knows. And if there’s anything I learned from reading about all those amazing Missionaries, it’s that when we follow Christ, life will be worth while. God used a William, a Lottie, and a Jim. He can use an Alex too.

Look What God Can Do is available through Amazon

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Some days....

Some days are harder than others.
Some days I want to hop on a plane and leave.
Some days I want to cry.
Some days I wonder my purpose here in America.
Some days I question everything.

Today is one of those days.

But sweet reminders on my Instagram like this remind me of so many things.
They remind me of awesome memories.
They remind me of the people I have grown to love.
They remind me of the seasons of life that I got to be there.
And most importantly, they remind me of who God is.

This is why we go, this is why I go. My heart is in Indonesia. And I can't wait to be back. 

Southeast Asia, Summers 2015 & 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sharing is a reminder

This past weekend I had the chance to share about my short time in the Philippines this summer and even shorter time in Macedonia a couple of years ago. 

My dear friends from across the globe, I just want to say I still love you and I am still praying for you all the time. Having the chance to share what God has done in my life reminds me just how much He loves each and every person he has created.

-Sara L.
Philippines 2016

Sunday, November 6, 2016

NT/P52 Get Together

Fall. Friends. Food. Fellowship. Future.

Enjoying the weekend in northeast Alabama! 

Pray for the participants as they will be sharing in 13 local churches on Sunday morning (Nov 6th), during Sunday School time & in the worship services.

Pray that the Lord will use the stories of their experience to mobilize others & challenge them to be World Christians.
Nehemiah Teams property sign unveiling

Nehemiah Teams Training Center with staff... it's official!

John Potter giving a tour of the property... so thankful for his partnership

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get whipped into shape!

Not sure what to do this summer? Why not go on mission?! 
Nehemiah Teams is an incredible organization that sends college students all over Asia, Africa, and more! God has used Nehemiah Teams to not only change the lives of those that students reach on the field, but God has used it to personally change my life. Before going through NT, I knew I wanted to be a missionary, but I had no idea how little I cared about lost. I had no idea how little I cared about reading God's word and talking to God. When I went on Nehemiah Teams, just the orientation was enough to whip me into shape spiritually and emotionally. NT helped me realize how much I lacked a personal relationship with Jesus. It helped me to grow so much closer with Him, and it allowed me to be used by God to help others find Jesus Christ.
Go!! You won't regret it. If anything, just apply and see what God does!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Is Jesus Enough?

Recently, I got home from a trip in Southeast Asia. This trip was amazing in so many ways. One of the most amazing ways was the fact that I got to spend so much uninterrupted time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer. I was addicted to God. I was so excited to get back into my life so that I could draw even closer to Him and make my every day life all about Him. Well, here I am, two months later, and I seem to have no time for Him. I have chosen not to do quiet time in the mornings because I hate mornings. So then when I do it throughout the day, that is fine, but there's always something I have to do that I am squeezing time for God in the middle of. Then, there's the nights. Some nights now I don't get back until very late and every time I actually get to sit down and do it, somehow I get interrupted, in one way or another.

I am reminded of one night while I was in Southeast Asia. I was talking with a man who had years ago converted to Christianity. He didn't want to share his faith because he was scared of persecution, but I got to encourage him and ask, "Is Jesus worth it?" It was a very exciting night for me. It really challenged me to ask myself, "Is Jesus worth leaving behind all that I have and all that I am to follow Him into the great unknown?" The answer was always yes. The answer will always be yes.

Here is where it gets difficult. Now that I have been home for a while, it has been hard "to squeeze" Him into my social life, and that is horrible because He has always been so faithful, so good, and I love Him so much. I would never want to neglect Him in any way! He is my God and my Friend and my Savior and my Redeemer and He deserves more than 10 minutes from me every day.  He deserves my all in all. Jesus is worth that.

So now since I have asked and answered "Is Jesus worth it," I must ask, "Is Jesus enough?"

Is Jesus enough? Is He enough when my prayers aren't being answered? Is He enough when my cell phone battery is fully charged? Is He enough when I've got all the friends I could ever want? Is He enough when I have to change my major? Is He enough even when life is going great for me?

Is He enough when times are hard? Is He enough that my faith move the mountains? Is He enough that my love be poured out on others?  Is He enough that I must endure hardship and be persecuted so that others may hear and live?

Is Jesus enough? Ha. More like "Jesus is enough." Every day, He is enough for me.


Read more from Alex's blog @

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why has no one ever told me this before? I Believe.

Two planes, one overnight boat ride, one 2-hour boat ride, a three mile backpack walk, and a two hour car ride until we got to this village located on an island in Indonesia. People wonder a lot why there are people on this earth that have never heard the gospel, and that is just one example: because a plane will not take you directly to every people group. It requires a lot of walking and random car rides, after taking many planes, in order to share with someone about this entrusted gospel.
My team of three and our translator got out of the car and walked up to this hut built on stilts. We had just previously shared the gospel with this man who was so on fire for God afterwards that he wanted his family to hear also. So we went. We walked into the hut and were introduced to a family of two boys, a father, mother, aunt, and uncle. We were then introduced to a family in a neighboring hut that consisted of a mom and her daughter. We went into their hut and sat down while they were making food and that’s when I started sharing the gospel with her. I went through the whole story and then the food they prepared was ready, but I could see something in her face that led me to believe she gets it. So I prayed in that moment for The Holy Spirit to wreck her heart.
We ate rice and noodles, the typical food in Asia, and talked about everything else. When she started to collect the dishes from us, I asked her how she felt about my story and she responded: Saya percayaI believe. She starts crying and hugging me saying again, “saya percaya, saya percaya.” Her mother then started doing the same thing right in behind her. The Holy Spirit was there. He had taken over her and her mother’s entire being and changed them right there in that moment.
Then all the men, four of them, sat down in the hut and our boys shared the gospel with them as well. They too responded, Saya percaya. I couldn’t handle it- the Holy Spirit was so heavy in that hut I just wanted to cry. Don’t worry, I did.
Later we shared the gospel with the other two women and they too believed! All eight people who were once identified as Muslims our now my brothers and sisters in Christ; are now spending eternity in heaven with Jesus.
We were sharing some more scripture with them, and as we read the Great Commission to them, one started crying and says, “Why has no one ever told me this before?” Why has no one ever told me this before.
This is reality. There are people on this earth that have not heard and will die without ever experiencing the true love of Christ. More than 70,000 people die every year without ever hearing the gospel. This is our responsibility as Christians to get the gospel to the ends of the earth- no matter what it takes. We should not live in anxiety about the persecution Christians face in these countries. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power.” [2 Timothy 1:7] It’s time we grew a backbone and obeyed the calling of Christ on our lives, and let’s start with the people of countries in the 10/40 Window who have never even had a chance to believe.
-Moriah, 2016 Explorer & Evangelist Team

Friday, September 9, 2016

26 verses??

Most people who have grown up in church know that we need to be memorizing Scripture. We are told to hide God’s word in our hearts over and over again. Out of all the people raised in church, I have found very few people actually have Scripture memorized (other than John 3:16). After signing up to go to the Philippines, I read online that the organization I planned on going with would require us to memorize 26 verses over the course of the summer. I pride myself on being transparent in these articles and because of that I have to admit my first reaction was not a positive one. If I’m being completely honest I might have groaned and hoped that this was only a recommendation. Go ahead and judge me. I deserve it. 26 verses seemed like a lot and memorizing verses can be challenging. Obviously, I’m writing this article because my view has changed quite a bit. This is what I have learned about memorizing Scripture
There is power in Scripture. The Bible is God’s word and therefore just like Him the Bible is extremely powerful. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is God breathed reminding us that what we read in the Bible comes from Him. We have access to this power. It doesn't make sense for us to not do everything we can to keep this word with us at all times. In the Philippines we had to hike up huge hills in extreme heat. It was not an easy or enjoyable thing to do. During almost all of the hikes, I silently trudged up the hills reciting Scripture. There was a turning point in the summer where reciting these verses wasn't just so I could get them done and win the debrief competition (we did win by the way). But it was to experience the power of what the Scriptures say. When I wanted to sit and rest it was the reminder from Romans 10:14 that gave me the energy to walk to the next house. If I didn't spend that time reciting Scripture I probably would have fallen on the ground out of exhaustion and refused to move ever again.
I learned this summer that the best way to mediate on Scripture is by memorizing it. I spent so much time with the 26 verses I learned this summer and I can see the difference it made in my life. I have a new understanding of these verses that I would have not been able to comprehend from just reading over them during my quiet time. Memorizing is so much easier when we understand what we are memorizing. When I applied the Scripture to my life the task of memorizing the verse didn't seem so difficult.
We can easily defend our faith when we know what the Bible says and where it says it. I know my first reaction when someone tells me that the Bible says something is to ask where. If a person can't tell me I will search for it. I love hearing the wisdom of other people but I want to know that it is Biblically correct. When someone asks us where in Scripture we find what we believe and the best we can do is say it's in the New Testament somewhere, it hurts our witness. I spent so much time this summer showing people where in the Bible it says the only way to heaven is through Jesus. A lot of the times when people understood that what I was saying came from the Bible and not from me that is when they really started paying attention.
Hopefully, I will have the chance to go into countries where I can't have a Bible with me. I want to know enough Scripture that no matter where I am, Bible or no Bible, I can still spend time meditating on the word of God. It is important to keep what the Bible says with us at all times so no matter what situation we are we can depend on what it says.
This summer changed my mindset of memorizing Scripture. Since coming home I have continued to memorize Scripture and I have continued to learn about how powerful actively memorizing Scripture can be. I am happy that I had the opportunity to be required to memorize God's word and thankfully it has completely changed my life.
-Cassidy Winters
Read more from Cassidy...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

How can they believe..

Never would I have thought a picture like this could make my heart race. All over the world there are tons of unreached people groups who are hungry and thirsty for God's love. This summer I was able to live among just one of those groups. God has spoken to me through these Filipinos in more ways than I can understand, and because of that, this summer was one that I will never forget.

Tropical Campus Disciplemaker, Philippines

"How then can they call on the one they have not believed in, and how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard. And how can they hear without someone preaching to them." Romans 10:14-15

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

In love with God's Word

I had a chance to video chat with Kuya Ding, one of the many great friends that I made in the Philippines. He told me that the Bible we gave him was the first Bible that he had ever owned. This was the first time he was able to open the Bible and read it by himself. He told me that he and his his wife have fallen in love with reading God's Word. 

God is always at work and will always be at work... even when we don't see it.

Please pray for Kuya Ding and his wife. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to them through the scripture.

Impact Cebu, Philippines

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Do you Really Know?

I recently got back from a summer trip spent in Southeast Asia that consisted of nine other teammates all told to say the same thing to Immigration or anybody else when asked, “Why are you here?”- because where we went, it was illegal to share the gospel: the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist and Partners International CEO Luis Bush in 1990 to refer to those regions of the Eastern Hemisphere, plus the European and African part of the Western Hemisphere, located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator. It's a general area that was purported to have the highest level of socioeconomic challenges and least access to the Christian message and Christian resources on the planet. That was my location- in the country with the world’s largest Muslim population.
Here, I encountered people who were kinder and more joyful than anyone I had ever known. These people who were more lost than words can say, taught me more about my faith than a lot of Christians I know today. I watched as they devoted every part of their life to their Muslim faith. I saw them at the end of Ramadan lay out newspapers in every part of the streets to bow down and pray. Five times a day they followed the call to prayer and spent their lives believing that their good works will get them into heaven, and that because of their fasting they will be forgiven of all their sins. I witnessed thousands of wonderful people bow down and pray to a god that does not even exist; a god that never hears their prayers, never sees their offerings, and can never give them a hope into eternity. So how is it that these people who get absolutely nothing in return from their god can be more devoted than the church today who receives graciously and endlessly from a loving Savior? I know “Christians” today that never even spend alone time with Jesus outside of church, community groups, house churches, or bible studies, not to mention spends five times a day with Him. They think they are spending eternity in heaven, when in reality they don’t even know Jesus personally any more than these Muslims do.
This was one of the most significant and challenging things I learned while being there: Do you really know Jesus intimately or do you just know about Him? My heart breaks for these people whose good works are all in vain, and for the American Christians who find their identity in their church than in Christ Himself.
Now am I saying that you have to stop everything you’re doing and bow down and pray five times a day in order to know Jesus personally? Well, no. But I am saying, try to spend some alone time with Him, because He has a lot to tell you- and it is more worth it than anything this world can tell you
M. Hibbard

Friday, August 26, 2016

It's okay to get ugly... cry ugly... be ugly

This summer, I had the opportunity to go to a city in Southeast Asia. This city was very diverse. It had Chinese, Indians, Malays, Europeans, Africans, etc. I love that about the city! With so many different cultures and backgrounds the city has, it brings a variety of religions as well: Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Free Thinkers, etc. It was so cool to meet different people and learn about their cultures and beliefs. 

For about a month during our summer, we had a condominium up on the forty-first and forty-second floors. We had amazing views from every angle of that condo and I loved to go out on one of the porches and just sit, look, and pray over the city. 

Then, it started to get hard. One of the first nights we were there as I was looking over the city, reading my Bible, and listening to music, a single tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped the tear away, but the tears kept coming. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong. There was no reason to cry. I’m a big girl. But, the city. Most of the people I am looking out at are . . . lost. They have no hope. Then, I saw this mountain far out beyond the city with just a few lights on the tip of it, allowing me to be able to see it. The tears kept flowing. I can remember getting on my knees and saying, “hold on, just you wait. I’m coming. I’m coming.” Because, how can they call on the One they have not believed in, and how can they believe in the One of Whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (See Romans 10:14) I do not know anything about the people up on that mountain. I don’t know if they are Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or something else. All I know is what the evidence points to: they are lost. The reality is, if I believe the Bible is true without any mixture of error, if I believe that Jesus came, was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, performed many miracles, died on the cross, rose from the dead three days later, if I believe Jesus is the Son of God, that Jesus was, is, and is to come, and if I believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, then I have to face the fact that those who do not believe in Jesus as Lord are lost for all of eternity. And sitting up there, overlooking all these people, it broke me. 

I was broken, and I still am convinced I don’t need to be fixed. 

All I could do was pray. I cried out to God with deep, deep sobs. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. This prayer happened quite a few times during our stay in the condo. The more I prayed these tearful, ugly prayers, the more I realized that it was okay. It’s okay to get ugly before God. It’s okay to show Him our hearts. And the more I did it, the easier it was to hear His still small voice to go and talk to that girl on the train, to let the Holy Spirit work speak through me to my grab driver, and to lead with the Gospel and filter with the Gospel. 

Then I grew hungry. I could not get enough of His Word. I wanted it more and more! I wanted to not just read it, but to know it. AND I COULDN’T KEEP IT TO MYSELF. I had to go out and share it with people. All of this is because I believe broken and ugly prayers get the attention of God. 

It is okay to get ugly, cry ugly, be ugly. We are the most beautiful when we get ugly before God. And don’t let it stop there. Allow God to use your brokenness to further His kingdom. 

Let me say one more thing and then I am done. Please do not think that what I did this summer was in any way significant. Do not think I am qualified for the work He has set before us. I am not. If anything, I am disqualified. I have messed up in countless ways. But God, by His infinite grace and mercy, has qualified me. And God has qualified all who have carried their cross and followed Him. When we have done that, we have surrendered our rights to Him. We have given up all we have and all that are we are to do the work He has called us to! So if you think about it, what I did by going to Southeast Asia was not so significant, it was simply obedient. We are all called to GO, be obedient, and complete the Great Commission! 

So let’s go! Let us carry our crosses. Let us surrender our rights to Christ. Let us allow God to use us in ways we never thought we could be used. Let us shine our lights from the highest of the mountaintops to the bottom of the valleys. Let us follow Him into the Great unknown. Let us sing with all of our hearts, “take me deeper than my feet could ever wander.” Let us need the Word of God like we need the water that we drink. Let us fight the battle of which the enemy has a head start. Let us plunder the gates of hell! And let us with every breath and every tear and every step fulfill the Will of the Father, starting on our knees with broken, wholehearted, ugly prayers. 

So Others May Hear and Live, 

Shared from Alex's personal blog,

Friday, August 19, 2016

God Continues to Work

I'm wishing with all my heart to be back on the river with my team, but praying that God will continue to work in the lives of those who we made contact with.

Dolores River, Philippines

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Best summer of my life

I cannot find the words to describe this summer! I have seen God's faithfulness, His power and His love on full display. I have met the kindest people, shared in the crazy adventures, and had the blessing of doing life and growing with seven amazing teammates. I have had the best summer of my life! I'm so thankful. Part of my very full heart will forever be in a city half way across the world. Until next time!

Global City Outreach Team

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Exciting News

I heard exciting news today! My friend from the (summer) was baptized yesterday morning! PTL!! Please continue to pray for the growth of our brother. Also, please pray for the other brothers and sisters. I have heard news that they are experiencing persecution. Their cost for following Jesus is completely different than what it is for us here in America. Yet how amazing it is to see that they consider Jesus worth it all. What an encouragement for all of us to be standing up for our faith. Thank y'all for your prayers!!!


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Reverse Culture Shock began with Automatic Toilets

Today marks two weeks back “home.” I put “home” in quotes because while I have been back with my family and some friends, life has not slowed down one little bit! It kind of feels like I’ve traveled across the world again in the two weeks I’ve been back. I wanted to write this blog post a little earlier than now, but with family vacation, retreats, and other events here and there I simply haven’t had a chance to sit down and write.
That being said… Reverse culture shock DID begin with automatic toilets, but that’s not all this post is about. Adjusting back to life in the US and the crazy busy schedule I had almost forgotten about has proved to be quite a challenge, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Getting back into an incredibly fast-paced life and full schedule is a challenge in and of itself, but trying to remember all that I learned this summer and attempting to process what it could mean in regards to my future brings a new sense of challenge to returning home. Sharing about how God moved this summer can be hard because 1) I still don’t really know what to say, and 2) some people simply aren’t really interested in listening – especially if too much rambling is involved. Both of these things are okay. We were warned about them at debrief, and they have probably been the most challenging to me when it comes to reverse culture shock, but it’s okay. I may not be sure who I need to share with or even what I need to share, but I know I need to share. God didn’t send me overseas this summer for me to stay quiet when I returned. So, knowing that reading someone’s personal blog is a completely voluntary, I’m going to start sharing what I learned via this blog post.

What is a World Christian?

At debrief, we were given advice about many things in preparation for returning home. Much of that advice has probably been forgotten due to jet lag, but thankfully I took lots of notes during our sessions. I’d like to share some of what I learned in those sessions with you today.
This summer, we did a Bible study that taught us what being a World Christian means and what roles we can play as a World Christian. At debrief, we were taught about how we can continue striving to live as World Christians once we’re back home and back at school.
A World Christian is a Christian who has discovered the truth of God’s unfulfilled global purpose to reach all peoples. There are three main things one must focus on to successfully live as a World Christian. These are God’s Word, God’s World, and God’s Work.
A World Christian knows what God’s Word says about missions beyond the four or five verses that are typically the “go-to” verses used for mission trip themes and t-shirts. Our calling as Christians to reach the nations, to reach ALL the nations, is found throughout the entire Old and New Testaments. God wants to be known among ALL peoples, and WE have the task of working to make that happen.
Check out these verses to see God’s desire to be known:
Genesis 1:28, 9:1, 12:1-3, 26:4; Deuteronomy 4:4-6; Joshua 2:9-10; 1 Kings 4:34; Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; and Revelation 7:9.
A World Christian also knows about God’s World. He or she knows about the 10/40 window where 80% of the world’s poorest people live and where 95% of the world’s unreached people groups can be found. They know that most of the 3.5+ billion people that live in this part of the world are following religions that do not know Grace. A World Christian knows these statistics and wants to play a part in doing something about it.
Finally, a World Christian knows about God’s Work, about how he or she can play an important role in reaching the Nations with the gospel. Whether a goer, sender, prayer, mobilizer, and/or welcomer, a World Christian is involved in God’s Work no matter where they are geographically. Different seasons of life may equal different habits or roles as a World Christian.


World Christian: A Christian who has discovered the truth of God’s unfulfilled global purpose to reach all peoples, and knows that he or she has a part in that task.

The Challenge

During our last night at debrief, we were given a challenge and an opportunity to commit to being a World Christian in thoughts and actions. I will leave you with that same challenge today.
Really believe the Gospel. The Good News is the answer for the whole world, and saying you believe it is saying you accept your role in the Great Commission.
Really count the cost. This means understanding that your life is His, your plans are His, and your future is His. ALL for His glory.
Really love Jesus more. Love Jesus more than the things, people, and opportunities of this world.

{Believe the Gospel // Count the Cost // Love Jesus More}

With graduation a mere four months away, the possibilities of what could be next never stop swirling in my mind. As I try to understand what the next chapter of my life is to hold according to God’s will, I pray I am successful in really believing the Gospel, really counting the cost, and really loving Jesus more. 
“I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace” Acts 20:24

Friday, August 12, 2016

Is your schedule more important than your relationships?

What I learned about relationships while living in the Philippines.
During school, I often feel the weight of time on my shoulders. I run from class to class, from activity to activity, desperately trying to get everything done before I collapse into bed at night. It seems like an awful way to live when it's verbalized, but every single day I seem to repeat the cycle. I also continuously watch many of my peers enter into the same rushed lifestyle.
While spending time in the Philippines, the biggest culture shock to me was the relaxed attitude of the Filipino people. I could handle sleeping on the floor, cooking over a fire, having a very small house and bathroom (bathroom and house being a very loose term), even hand washing clothes, but sitting and waiting was awful. We would schedule a Bible study and an hour later, sometimes longer, it would finally start. Nobody seemed to care about the time or doing things in a timely manner. Everyone seemed to be oblivious to the urgency of our schedule. The first week in the Philippines I almost pulled my hair out. Read more of Cassidy's story....
-Cassidy W, 2016 Advance Team, Philippines

Monday, August 8, 2016

Listen to their stories

Pray for my friends as they return home and are experiencing jet lag and reverse-culture shock. Transitioning back from two months is one of the hardest parts of the summer. God has shown them so many things and has changed their lives in so many ways this summer. They are not the same. If you see any of them at church, ask them about their summers and all that God has done. Give them a lot of love. Please listen to their testimonies, because God has brought them back to share about of their summers for a reason. Their summers never ended when they get home. Their experiences have had eternal impacts on their lives and the lives of others. As you listen praise God for what He has done and continues to do around the world we are all a part of.

-Caleb & Impact Cebu Team

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Challenges in coming home...

If you know somebody coming home after living in a different country for a couple of months (aka NTers) love on them. Listen to them, act interested, set up coffee dates, pray for them, and be patient with them. One of the biggest challenges I have faced coming home after living overseas for the summer was transitioning from living like a minimalist to.... not. 

In this pic I'm holding a basket with clothes in it. Those are all the clothes I had for two months. I could wash all of them at once. And I LOVED it. Every aspect of it. (Side note: contentment comes when worry goes away. That's a battle for all females I know for sure when it comes to outward appearance.) Coming home to having much more than that made me angry honestly. Extremely angry. (Which isn't good, I know. I have had to work through that.) 

There's a lot more I could say about that, but the Lord molds people into who He wants them to be through times like that. Two months isn't that long at all, but it can leave it's effect on someone without outsiders ever knowing. So love on those around you who did just come back or will be back soon. It is a struggle.

For those who stay months or years longer, you are my heroes. I respect you more than most on this planet and want you to know that I am praying for you, by name if I know you personally. The cost is great but the rewards are greater.

-Carley H, Riverboat Team, Philippines

Saturday, August 6, 2016

What Overwhelms You?

At Nehemiah Teams debrief we are asked to come up with a one sentence response to the question "How was your summer?" My answer? "It was powerful, because the Lord showed me that even in the darkest and hardest places His light shines and His kingdom comes."
Though I am overwhelmed by the lostness and darkness of Laos, I am even more overwhelmed by the Lord's patience, kindness, love, and mercy. We truly serve a good, good Father who will never forsake us or the people of Laos. The task in reaching Laos is great, but our God is greater. The Lord is in Laos. The Lao people are His people, not the enemy's. There will be Lao people worshipping Him for all eternity (see Rev. 7:9). Thank you Lord for a life-changing summer, and most importantly thank You for who You are.

-Jacob B., Village Homestay Team