Sunday, June 30, 2019

Nu E Beginnings

After spending two weeks in our first barangay (village), we have firmly set our feet in Nu E, a barangay fifteen minutes away. We have settled in to our new living conditions and new vision for reaching out in the community. We have had a lot less reception to Bible studies locally, but for those who are open, the fruit is beginning to show.

We are seeing people searching for the truth and desire to have hope. One man asked me, “Is the answer to how to get to Heaven in the Bible?” Another lady said, “We have been wanting to hear the Good News. We are happy to see you. Please come anytime.” Like Revelation 3:20 says, Jesus is at the door and knocking, and the people are so close to letting Him come in.

With visiting adult team
Having been sent out from our church back in Tennessee, they happily sent us a one-week, adult team to aid and encourage us in ministry and to show the church a picture of the support & involvement we can have in missions. Personally, I am overjoyed that our church is not just committed to reach the nations financially, but also through prayer, sending, and going.

Prayer: Please continue to pray for team unity and team bonding. We do not want any team conflict to prevent the Gospel from being spread. 
Pray also that we have sharing the Gospel as the first priority on our heart. We love the people and love spending time with them, and we love how we are growing in the Lord, but if we do not share the Gospel with them, then we are being selfish and serving God in vain. 
Finally, pray for our families, friends, and churches. Pray that they are all encouraged to reach the unreached and to take it to heart that God wants people from all nations to be in Heaven one day, and that they will be, so we need to be a part of it.

Tropical Harvester Team (Journey Church)
Everyone wants in the picture!

Finding Faith

Never a shortage of kids hanging around
This week started with a short relocation for the Island Ministry team to a barangay (village) close to the one that they’ve been serving at in weeks prior. With moving to a new location, the team had the opportunity to go out and repeat the first steps of ministry; relationship building. While meeting the people of their village, it became quickly apparent that this area is heavily populated with members of a local cult. Because of the strong beliefs of this cult, many of the residents in this village are reluctant to listen to what the team has to say about salvation in Christ.

After praying for encouragement during this difficult start of the week, the team ran into something unexpected: a born-again believer living right behind where they’re staying. Ate J lives with her husband, son and grandma in a small, rented house. She excitedly invited us into her home when she realized we share the same faith in the same Lord. Ate offered us her testimony, and told us that Jesus became real to her when her 5-year-old son drowned a few years ago. The people around her told her that her son wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t become a Christian just a month before his passing. Still, she continues firmly in the faith and is raising her 2-year-old son to follow the Lord completely, just as her and her husband have chosen to do. The team continues to visit her for Bible studies, as well as daily encouragement in this difficult to reach village.

  • Please pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of those involved in the cult. That those who listen would have clarity of the differences between the Living God and the one they are worshiping.
  • Pray for strength for the team as they go out; that they wouldn’t grow weary by the ones unwilling to listen, but be encouraged in knowing that seeds are being planted, and that the Lord promises to do the rest.

Island Ministry Team

Looking Forward to Heaven

In Heaven there will be no more pain. 
In Heaven there will be no more fighting. 
In Heaven there will be no more hunger.

Today (Friday) these words were sung confidently by the Karamajong believers during our weekly Friday morning Bible Study. They sing these words knowing that one day there will be no more raids, no more starvation, and no more sickness. Be in prayer for these believers as they continue to walk in this truth and be the light in a place of so much darkness. Click here for video

Bush Missionary Team

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A new friend

The two weeks in our first village felt like a whirlwind. It came and went so quickly and it was so bittersweet to leave on Saturday. I am excited to start ministry in village #2, but I will miss the people of village #1! 

The Lord has been so good to us and provided several people of peace who wanted to know more about Jesus. One of these people was a younger lady named J. She met us every day eager to dive into the next topic in the Go Book, and towards the end of our time she would have already read &  previewed the topic of the day and read the coinciding scripture before we came over. She ended up accepting Christ while we were there. Whenever we would ask her about salvation, she always told us accurately how to be saved. We had been explaining and discussing baptism with her. On our last day she was still deciding because she had heard from her priest that you cannot be baptized "twice" (she had been sprinkled as a baby). She also expressed to us that she had already been experiencing persecution from her family members when she tried to share the Gospel with them. Her cousin asked her if she had gone crazy when she tried to share with her. We were able to leave her with some verses/topics to dive into further during personal devotion time and some memory verses that she could use. 
Go Book

Please be praying for J. Especially that she would be at peace with her decision about baptism, and that she would feel peace about sharing the Gospel with people in her village. And that she would rely on the Lord's strength to sustain her when she receives push back from anyone. I pray that she finds people of peace who also want to hear the Gospel.

Tropical Harvester (Journey Church) Team, Philippines

Friday, June 28, 2019

Believe & be baptized

Ate J was baptized recently. She was not one of my group's Bible study contacts, but one of my groups members was sick so our national partners stayed with her and I went with the other group to their study. Ate J truly understood the Gospel and she was so excited to be baptized. Her husband, does not attend the Bible study & is active in a local cult. At the end of the Bible study, before we went to go baptize her, she asked if it was a sin to be a member of the local cult and so we pointed her to some scripture and she came to her own conclusion of "Yes." 

Pray with us that the Lord would use Ate J to lead her husband to the truth of the Gospel.

Island Ministry Team, Philippines

Planting seeds in Southeast Asia

The most meaningful experience is when we got invited to a new friend’s house.  One of my teammates formed a friendship with her and immediately we got invited to have lunch at her home. While we were there she introduced us to her grandparents, parents, uncle, and aunt. She had invited one of her friends as well.

Our team got to help prepare a traditional dish with her and her friend and we all sat on the floor and ate together. We had asked our national friends if they do anything before eating and they had said that they usually invite others to eat first. I got to tell them that we pray before eating and explain to them what prayer is and why we do it. Later on during the meal we got the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
Our friends were so fascinated and captivated by the story of Jesus (Especially the part where he rose again!). Although they did not accept the Gospel, we are continuing to build a friendship with them and love them.

So thankful for the seeds that have been planted, please pray for this friend, that she would continue to be open to developing a relationship with the team and that her heart would be open to the Gospel.

Nurse 2 Nurse Team, Southeast Asia

Moving on to the next location...

We are almost a month into our trip, everyone is sporting some nice Chaco tans! We've officially moved to our second home for the summer. What an experience it has been already. From the motorcycle transportation, bucket backs, carabao riding, coconut tree climbing and beautiful island views. 

Filipinos are some of the nicest people I've ever encountered. They welcome us in, share their food and treat us like family. It was a little bittersweet leaving our first village, we'd built some really amazing friendships. We got to share the gospel with so many, and see God work in their lives first hand. 

We shared the gospel with a very sick man, he was known to be a town drunk and everyone took to just avoiding him. We sat down with him one afternoon and shared with him about Jesus. He had never heard about Him. After, we were able to pray that Jesus would come into his life right then and there. A few days later that man passed away. Only God knows the condition of his heart.

So besides God doing awesome things and giving me an incredible team, the only thing that has really been difficult is the homesickness, which has been hitting all of us hard. But I don't think that's something you ever get over. And i'm excited to see what God will do through us in our new location.

Pray for the team members to continue to be bold in their witness as they encounter those seeking for the truth.

Tropical Harvesters (Journey Church) Team, Philippines 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Prayer Requests from Island Magic Team

So much has happened since we arrived in the Philippines and I don't have the time or space to give all the details here. If you want to know the little stories, please ask me when you see me at home! I will be happy to share!  I have tried balut, which is a delicacy here, I'm going to spare the details and let you Google it if you want to see it.

We definitely need your prayers! The people are not very receptive to the Word and are clinging to their animistic worship & Roman Catholic views that have been in their family forever. We have been refused access to the barangay (village) we were supposed to go to next week because they don't want us to tell them about Jesus & have been followed by "the witch doctor" while trying to share about our Father! So pray for the "Lost" barangay as I call them, that sometime they will be able to hear the gospel and God's truth.

Pray also for my team that we will band together and stay strong through the spiritual warfare bombarding us. It isn't the way we thought it would come like through witch doctors or curses, but through just simple arguments and dissention. This is the devils playhouse and evil is prevalent in everything and he is attacking.

We serve an amazing Savior and we ask that you pray that we will have opportunities to share this great love story. Pray that satan will be bound, that the curiosity of the people will be strong and hearts open and receptive. 

Island Magic Team, Philippines

Let the Children Lead the Way

Week two for the Tropical Harvesters team has been an encouraging week filled with laughter and worship as well as unexpected opportunities. 

Since the team arrived at their village, around 30 kids gather on the team’s porch all day, every day. They decided to use this opportunity to share the gospel with those only a few steps outside their front door. A kid’s club was organized in which those involved play games, sing songs, and learn bible stories that would effectively present the gospel in a way that was understandable for even small children. Every night between Wednesday and Friday, more kids with more questions attended and by Friday, many of them were ready to accept Jesus into their lives. Since then, Bible studies that will further explain their commitments have been held and plan to continue throughout the duration of the summer. (Matt 19:13-15).

Please join us in prayer that the gospel would spread like wildfire, and that the children could be used as the doorway to share the gospel in their own homes. We ask that the words each team speaks would multiply and bring the lost into the kingdom. We also want to pray specifically for those who have grown up in Catholic homes. The teachings that they have learned have prevented many from understanding that preforming rituals and prayers aren’t what saves you, but only having faith in the Lord. 
Pray for continued good health for the teams and unity as we continue down this road the Lord has laid out for us. 

Media Team Member, Philippines

Fruit in the Philippines

We have had about 25 Bible studies and roughly 20 people give their lives to Christ! The weekends are the busiest for Bible studies... but we walk for Christ! Our village is the biggest of the 3 in our section so we have to cover a lot of ground. 

We met the principal of the local school. He is a believer as well! He welcomed us gladly and shares our desire to share the gospel. We are conducting a True Love Waits seminar this week and plan to share the Gospel with the kids. Our goal as a team is to create an organic church so they can continue their spiritual growth when we leave. 

Please pray that the Lord enables us to reach out and encourage the village. 
Pray as our team will be helping conduct a free medical clinic on June 27th.

Teach, Heal & Hoops Team, Philippines
Team building with national partners

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Prayers for Tropical Harvesters (Journey Church) Team

Team complete with national partners
We will be ministering in three different barangays (villages) while in the Philippines. 

Please pray for team unity and focus on our mission. We are all a little homesick and missing American food, which has led to our minds drifting on things of this world, not on things above, Also, please pray for open hearts of the people we meet. We had 20 people in a church service on an island of 20,000. Pray that the Lord moves so that we can open doors and plant churches.

We are living by Joshua 1:5 & 9. We know that no man can stand in our way and that God is with us as He has been with His children before. We are so thankful that we have a church family praying for us, and please keep encouraging other students and parents to not hold back and to be active for Jesus. 

Tropical Harvester (Journey Church) Team, Philippines

TLW Commitments... pray for purity

A lot of TLW commitments. Will you join us in praying for theses students to live sexually pure lives and to wait to have sex until marriage?

Pray that they would stay true to their commitment. In the KJ culture sexual purity is not talked about and polygamy is the cultural norm, Only Christ can bring healing and change. We are praying for that spiritual change among our young students here.

-Bush Missionary Team

If God's Word Says It....

Example of a sari sari store

Nanay was someone who never sat when we did a Bible study at a local sari sari store. She always stood behind everyone and listened and would also come late a lot of times. When we did the Bible study on baptism, she came over and was just ecstatic and asked if she could get baptized. She kept saying, "If God's Word says it, then I want to walk in obedience." Of course, we wanted to make sure that she truly understood the Gospel especially since she was not one of the main participants. After asking her a series of questions it was so clear that her faith was true and we baptized her the next day! I have never seen someone have so much transparent joy about the Lord and excitement that she was doing something pleasing to him. 

She told us afterwards about how everyone was strongly discouraging her to get baptized, but she just kept saying that it was her decision, and she knew that the Lord wanted her to. It is our prayer that her excitement would continue and that she would keep sharing the Gospel with the people around her. 

Please join us in praying that Nanay would continue to live out the joy of her salvation and that she will be a light in her community.

Island Ministry Team, Philippines

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Boldness & Encouragement to Go

We have been going to the park daily, talking with people and sharing the word. We have been discouraged because a lot of people will listen to us but few respond. We are realizing the Father asks for obedience so that's what we will do each and every day. 

Lift us up: Pray to the Father that we will be encouraged and that we will have a spirit of boldness as we go out each day. Continue to pray for good health also. 

Keeping in mind: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth."

Gospel Spreading Team, Philippines
Kerstin with her national partner

They want to give & serve

We hit the ground running, going door-to-door sharing our personal testimony and the gospel. We have started many Bible studies. It is hard though because people have been told a half-truth and it is hard to be able to see if they understand the difference between what we believe and what they believe. 

Most claim to be Catholic and most try to work for their salvation, resulting in most not having a personal relationship with Jesus. People believe in the Bible but most do not study it... just following  what the priest says at church. (So many times they bring out their Bibles when we come and wipe the dust off of it.) 

They are very welcoming and willing to talk to us. But because of their culture that does not want to say no or offend anyone, it is hard to see if they are really understand the truth. They are living in a fog of religion. This week my heart has really broken over this because they do not know the truth because they have grown up with this lie and they do not see the difference between the truth & the lie.

It was encouraging that we met a Christian who told us how he became a believer when missionaries came to his house in 2003. This is what we are doing! And our supervisor has taught him a bit so he can go and spread the gospel effectively. 

It is so beautiful here & people are so hospitable. They give and help so much though they are lacking what many of us take for granted. They do not think selfishly. They want to give and serve.

Stand in the Gap Team, Philippines

Monday, June 24, 2019

Meet the Team: Philippine Media Member

Bailey & Colleen
Bailey is currently a student at Grace Christian Academy High school. Her favorite food is sushi and her dads cooking and she loves her cat, Holly and her hometown. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” This verse reminds Bailey to not be fearful of what the future of this summer may hold. She believes she is to love everyone she meets with all her heart, so that they, too, may know the God that she does.

Bailey will be traveling between 3 teams with her supervisor, Colleen, joining in with the team's ministries and sharing what God is doing through media.

Pray for safe travels for Bailey & Colleen as well as fruitful ministry opportuntities, even during their travels.

Not worth their time

The three teams in Southern Philippines (Journey Church, Tropical Harvesters and Island Ministries) have spent their days building relationships with people in each village and sharing the love of Christ. In total, there have been 4 professions of faith this week alone- praise God! Whether it be during transportation, meals, or ministry time, each team has used their own gifts and abilities to share the gospel.

On June 13, one team was presented with an unique opportunity. Upon arrival at their first Bible study of the day, the team realized the man they were there to see wasn’t home, and decided to turn back and follow where ever the Lord was leading them. 

They remembered that next door to where they were staying lived an old man. They had heard stories about the state of this man’s life and that, “It wouldn’t even be worth their time to try and talk to him.” Nonetheless, the Spirit moved and they decided to see if the man was open to listen. Quickly, the team learned that the man, Tito M, was open to listen as well as responsive. He had been a drunkard his whole life, and his family abandoned him years ago. On his own, he was forced to find shelter in a small portico with no walls, and rely on the kindness of others to provide for his physical needs. When presented with the gospel, Tito M expressed that he had never even heard the name, Jesus, because he was never taken to church as a child. Tito M explained that he knew he was broken and wanted to accept the free gift of Jesus Christ. The team will continue to pour into this new believer’s life through Bible study and fellowship.

We continue to pray for understanding of the gospel, that people who hear will be curious enough to want to learn more. 
Please pray for more opportunities to share the gospel with the communities and for the Lord to open the hearts of those who need to know about the true love of Christ. 
Pray for unity among each team as we continue to grow closer as a family and body of believers.

Media Team Member
Tropical Harvesters, Journey Church TH, & Island Ministry Teams


Mr. AIDS answered questions about HIV & AIDS in a skit format and then talked about it.

Pray for the Bush Missionary team as they teach True Love Waits (TLW) & basic sex education in local schools.

-Bush Missionary Team

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Meet the Team: Island Ministry

Island Ministry Team members with their national partners.
Left to right: Ray, Mercy, Caroline, Abby, Kate, & Katei
Abby is a recent high school graduate & will attend Jones Junior College in the fall. Her favorite food is homemade chicken alfredo and she loves stargazing. James 2:18 reminds Abby that this trip is for the glory of the Lord, and not for herself. "But someone will say, ‘you have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do.”

Kate is a student at Western Kentucky University studying political science, religion, and history. She loves all kinds of French-fries and rock climbing. Psalm 96 reminds Kate to declare the glory of the Lord. She believes that through this verse, God truly reveals his heart for the nations, and that if the Lord loves the nations so strongly, she should do the same.

Ray recently graduated high school and will be attending Moody Bible Institute in the fall. Ray loves steak from Outback and the color yellow. Psalm 42:5 reminds her to stay expectant of what God is going to do, even when she gets discouraged. “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my savior and my God.”

Caroline currently attends the University of Southern Mississippi and is getting her bachelor’s degree in social work. Her favorite food is her mom’s chicken fajitas and she loves herbal teas. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go...” this verse helps her to know that the Lord is always with us no matter where we are.

Pray for team unity & boldness in sharing the Gospel. 

Meet the Team: Tropical Harvesters (Journey Church)

Ally attends Cumberland University and is getting her Master’s degree in teaching. She loves tacos, her cat Cotton, and puns. While preparing for this trip, Romans 10:14 reminded her that being obedient to bring the good news to the nations is what we are called to do as the hands and feet of Jesus. I"How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the hands and feet of those who bring the good news!’”. 

Robin lives and works out of Nashville, Tennessee. Her favorite food is Sushi, and she loves hugs, a good cup of coffee, and late night talks about Jesus. While preparing to head to the nations, Isaiah 26:3-4 reminds her that through Him, she can find peace because Jesus promises it to those who completely put their trust in Him. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is the Rock eternal.”

Christian is a student at the University of Alabama, getting his bachelor’s degree in pre-med and English. He loves chili cheese fries, running, french-fries with ice cream, making lists, and dancing. While thinking about this trip, Joshua 1:5 keeps him in the mindset that no person will ever stand in the way of the gospel.“No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave nor forsake you.”

Josiah is a student at Cumberland University and is getting his bachelors in English Education. He believes that the best food is a real burrito (aka, any burrito from southern California of New Mexico) or authentic ramen noodles. 1 Peter 5:6-7 which says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s almighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” has reminded Josiah to find his comfort in Jesus Christ alone.

This is a unique team as they are all sent out from the same church. They are also ministering in an area that has been adopted by their church. 
Pray for team unity & boldness in sharing the Gospel.
Team with their national partners & media team member
Media Team Member
Tropical Harvester Team (Journey Church), Philippines

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Meet the Team: Tropical Harvesters


Alexa is a student at Ohio State University. She loves brownie sundaes, ridiculously sweet coffee, and all things British. Throughout Alexa’s life, Esther 4:14 has given her assurance that God has ordained her footsteps to get her where she is today. “Maybe you have come to the royal position for such a time as this.” Through this verse, she has peace in knowing that she is a part of The Lords divine plan, and that He has great things for her during her time of service this summer.

Bailey attends the University of Tennessee, and is getting her bachelor’s degree in nursing. Bailey loves any Chick-fil-a, but also spaghetti from Olive Garden. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds Bailey that the Lord has planned this trip out ahead of her and that the plans He has for her Summer are greater than she could’ve ever imagined., “‘For I know the plans I have for you.’, declares the Lord; ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.’”

Shane is a student at Mississippi State University and is getting his language bachelor’s degree. He loves biscuits and gravy, rice and noodles, and Chinese Culture. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds Shane to trust in the Lord and to make His name great, instead of his own.“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Lauren attends Liberty University and is getting her bachelor’s degree in Sports Management. Her favorite food is all forms of chicken and she loves the show “Survivor”. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you.’, declares the Lord; ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.’” Through this verse, Lauren has assurance that her next steps today and twenty years from now will be for His glory, which comforts her as she is heading into the nations this summer.

For the Tropical Harvesters team, pray for team unity and boldness in sharing the Gospel.

Media Team Member
Tropical Harvester Team, Philippines

The Gospel & a bucket

We were able to visit a very new village today to see a friend's mother who is very sick. We used the BGR bucket as a way gain access into this new village. We are hoping to build more relationships with the people in this village. This old lady was hearing the Gospel for the first time. We also gave her the bucket and explained the things that were in there.

-Bush Missionary Team

Learn more about BGR Buckets at

Friday, June 21, 2019

And So It Begins!

Spirits are high as the Stand in the Gap team headed into their first week of ministry in a farming village in the mountains! Everyone is eager to see how God will move in this small community.

Pray for open ears & soft hearts as the Good News is shared.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Preschool Days

As they teach the basics of ABCs, colors, & numbers... pray for the planting of a spiritual foundation for the children.

-Preschool, VBS & Prayerwalking Team
Southeast Asia

Meet Philly!

Meet our team's pet & mascot for the summer... Philly!

Pray for team leader Marissa as she leads the team in ministry this summer. 
Pray for each team member (Marissa, Rachel, Betsy, Zach, Zach & Christian) as they seek to be faithful in ministry opportunities each day.

-Bush Missionary Team

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Uganda TLW... A great first day

Our first day of teaching at the Secondary Schools. We are teaching the “True Love Waits” program that has been modified for the African context, using Biblical principles, the Bible & the Gospel as the source. We had great responses from the students and the teachers. It is a three hour long teaching program, each time.  We will be teaching at 2 Secondary Schools at least two times a week with multiple follow up sessions after. 

We are also working on a curriculum on basic hygiene and basic sex education for the primary schools. We are planning on starting that next month. 

Students signing the commitment cards. Great response.
Sharing the meaning of repentance

This was just one class.
Next week we will be meeting with the other classes.

Pray for our Team as they teach, share the Gospel, disciple and love on these students. 
Pray also for the curriculum they are tirelessly working on developing with our KJ partners that we will continue to use in the future in the schools.

-Bush Missionary Team