Monday, July 17, 2023

English Corner

Recently, we were able to have our first “English Corner” meeting. We had this idea for a beach themed outdoor meeting to attract attention from the students walking by, only to find out it was going to be storming. 

We prayed that it wouldn’t rain, but made new indoor plans…. only for it to actually not rain. In our defense, it didn’t seem possible logistically to plan for both, and the forecast flipped pretty last minute. It was kind of a “Touché, God” moment. 

The meeting did go really well - we had two Russian students & one Chinese student attend. We played a short game, shared snacks, and asked each other both casual and more personal questions. We were able to share many parts of our testimonies with the students through answering the specific questions. 

Pray for the students who attended this "English Corner." Pray for them to remember the spiritual truths they heard & want to know more.

True Peace for Korea