Friday, July 14, 2023

From Door-to-Door, to Our Door

For the past month the Philippine Summer: Camiguin Island team has been sharing the Gospel door-to-door and stills continues to do so. Most of the time people are open to having Bible studies at their own homes, but what if we did something different??

The team has taken the time to pray that the Lord would touch the hearts of people to come together into one home to have one big Bible study. The team would go to Bible studies they had already scheduled and invite those people to the house. Only two people came to the first one. What seemed like a small number did not discourage them at all, rather all the more to continue to invite people to join. 

The second Bible study came around and 12 people showed up! The team sang worship songs in both English and Cebuano. Each team member shared a passage and explained it visually to the others. After the Bible study, they would have fellowship, sharing stories, laughing, and playing games with the kids. 

One individual spoke to them saying, “You guys are what a true Christian and a family of Christ looks like.”

Please pray for the people of Camiguin Island to continue coming to the home Bible studies so that that one day a church can be planted.

Philippine Summer: Camiguin Island