Friday, July 7, 2023

Loving others like Jesus loves us

Our time at A-Town was difficult. Things just felt really off. The community was 100% Muslim with a large majority of them have never heard the Gospel. Most in this community hadn't seen a white person either, so it was very difficult trying to talk to people without drawing a crowd. 

But... when crowds would come, we would try and share with everyone at once.. however, we are unsure how much people would understand due to all the noise. Many people would outright tell us not to share the hope of Jesus. Nonetheless, over 30 A-Town people heard the Gospel! The stay was very draining, but those are the moments when I need the Lord most and can feel Him right next to me. Even when you’re surrounded by darkness, Jesus will continue to guide you and provide light! (John 8:12)

I must confess, it was very difficult to love the A-Town people at times. Most did not want to listen to us, but would follow us around. Please pray that I remember to love people the way Jesus loves us! Even as Jesus was being put to death on the cross, He still loved His accusers and executioners... Perfectly. That’s what I’m here to tell people about!

Reaching UPG's
Southeast Asia