Monday, July 17, 2023

This is the Truth

It had been a rough day ministry-wise for our team. We were walking discouraged down the road back home. We saw a house through the banana trees that we had not seen before. An older lady sat looking at us from her porch. We decided to follow the path to her house to share the Gospel. 

Nathan shared the message of grace with her & explained what a real relationship with God looks like. We learned that in the past Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, and others had shared their beliefs, but all of these just left her feeling empty. 

When we shared she was overwhelmed by the truth and love that our God has for us. She could not believe the unexplainable goodness of God. She was full of joy and could not wait for us to come back to tell her more about this hope!

The next day we shared the story of Nicodemus. I asked her if she had been spiritual reborn and if she believed the free gift of salvation. Excitingly she said that she believed when we had shared the day before. Since then she had felt different because she now had the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of her. We continued to discuss salvation and prayed with her for assurance that she had fully surrendered her life to Christ. 

Nanay T truly had believed and in this we all greatly rejoiced! It was a time of tears of happiness that our God can save us from our sins. Seeing the excitement she had for Christ encouraged us to keep being bold in sharing our faith.

We have been able to have several Bible studies with her since then to continue discipleship. We have discussed the importance of reading the Bible and loving those around us. She has also attended group Bible studies in our house and learned more about the Lord through these. We also had a conversation with her about baptism. She understood the reason of baptism and now wants to follow the Lord in this act of obedience. 

It has been a testimony to see how the Lord has moved in and through her life. She has already faced persecution from her neighbors for her newfound faith but she is pressing on in the good fight. We are excited to see how God continues to use her for His plan. 

Please pray for Nanay T's strength as she can be a witness to those around her on Camiguin Island. 

Just remember that on the hard days when it seems that God isn’t moving... He is. Continue to be faithful in sharing His word. There are many people out there like Nanay T, desperately waiting to hear the true Gospel. Go and boldly proclaim the Gospel to those around you!

Ask God to lead you to a person of peace and that they would continue to share His name and what He has done to others around them.


Philippine Summer: Camiguin Island