Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Grace: Ministry doesn't take rest days

Each Monday during AOT (Advance Operations Training) is our rest day. This means we have time to call our families & friends, explore the nearby towns & rest from the previous week. 

One Monday, I was walking around a local store when an employee stopped me to talk with me. She asked why I was in the Philippines. I told her I was taking some classes that would help prepare me to share my faith. She then told me that she is Catholic & surprised me by asking who my God is & what I believe. 

I had an amazing opportunity to share both my testimony & the Gospel with her. This encounter served as a reminder to me that ministry doesn't take rest days.


Jessica: Be an encourager (PICTURE)

Recently, we went with members of our church to visit another church. We were able to ride motorcycles up the mountain to this small church. We'd been told the church members were discouraged because they only had 7 remaining members. With the exception of the pastor's family, all of them were above the age of 60.

The members of this church were incredibly kind & caring. Our team mate, Zuriel, translated for me & Lydia as we shared our testimonies. It was amazing to attend a church full of so much love & to pray over the congregation. This is an experience I will never forget.

Pray with me for this small, struggling church. Pray for the pastor & the members to be encouraged in their faith. Pray for them to see where God is at work in those living around them.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Julia: God is Persistent

God has tremendously blessed our weekend ministry. The past couple of weekends have been packed with powerful testimonies.

On Saturday nights, our church hosts a bunch of youth over for a giant sleepover. We play games, sing songs, and collaspse into 2 giant piles to sleep at the end of the night. Our team has really been able to get connected with the youth. One of them, Cammi, has been attending these sleepovers for a couple weeks. Cammi always sticks close to her older sister. She didn't seem interestd in talking with us, but being distant & disengaged.

As our team has been pouring into these students, 13 of them made the commitment to follow Christ & be baptized! One of them was Cammi!!

Our team had the privilege to baptize these youth. As I walked into the water park the morning of the baptism, I felt nervous yet excited, not having high expectations. As I was stooped in my thoughts, I felt my arm being pulled. I looked down to see Cammi holding tightly onto my arm. She smiled brightly and said, "Hi Ate Julie!" I thought I would melt! Cammi's walls had completely come down. She didn't let go of my arm the entire day. We swam, played games, slid down slides together, all with a huge smile on her face. I became her "Ate Julie"... a friend & sister in Christ.

I had the privilege to help baptize Cammi. I couldn't help but feel immense pride in her. The walls have been torn down, doors opened, and hearts opened wide. I cannot wait to see what God does through Cammi as she continues to grow up.

Through Cammi's story, I have learned to be persistent. God never gives up on us, no matter how much we shove Him away. God is persistent. When it comes to reaching people, we must be persistent. Praying & reaching out constantly. Like Cammi, hearts will soften, and the love of Jesus can shine right in.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Camille: Growing in Confidence

When we started our weekend ministry, I was very nervous & didn't say a whole lot. Everything was still new & unfamiliar. Recently, I am learning to thrive in weekend ministry. I am growing in confidence in interactions with some of the local youth. I feel like my relationships with them are beginning to grow. 

This past Sunday after our regular service, our church joined another church to celebrate their church anniversary. We arrived in time for the main fellowship time & meal and had a great time.

At this new church, I made friends with a little girl. I just sat with her & got to talk with her for a bit. She was so sweet & I'm just thankful for the nationals God has put in my life. I'm also thankful for the confidence I feel the Lord is growing in me.


Cambree: Serve like Alvin

I have been so encouraged & inspired by a deacon named Alvin at our weekend church. I say 'deacon' but he is so much more. He is a husband, father, provider, and a humble, humble servant of the Lord. 

Every weekend, after a long week of work, Alvin comes to the church & takes care of 25 girls for 2 days! He cooks, cleans, tells jokes & stories, buys us coffee, and takes us on adventures. Alvin loves people SO genuinely & serves with his whole heart.

His love for Jesus is reflected in every single thing he does. I strive to serve people the way Alvin does. He reminds me a lot of my own dad. :) It is a joy to be able to serve wit Alvin and the rest of the church.

Pray for Alvin as he faithfuly serves in his local church.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Andrew: Small acts of obedience

During our first weekend of ministry, our team drove an hour & a half for a home visit. I had the privilege of sharing the word of God with the family at the home. I talked about redemption, using the story of Anna the prophetess. The following Sunday, the family came to church! Others said they hadn't been to church in over a year. It was cool to see how a small act of obedience affected an entire family.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Cambree: Be like Susie

Our weekend ministry team was part of a very special day with our church. We joined them at a pool early Saturday monring to baptize 13 youth from the church who had recently made the decision to follow Christ, It was SUCH an honor! I was able to assist with baptizing Susie, a girl I have built a close relationship with. 

Susie has the sweetest heart for the Lord & is fully devoted to Him. Her smile lights up any room she walks into. Susie has been such a blessing to our team. I know it will be one of the hardest good-byes I'll have in the days to come. 

Susie is a beautiful example of what it looks like to follow Jesus, no matter who is around or what it might cost her. We can all learn to be more like Susie.
