Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Sudanese Summer: Rain

Culp looked at us and said jokingly, “Well, you guys better be ready for a power encounter.” Rather we were or not... we certainly got one.

This week was not exactly what we had planned; first we thought we would travel to the village, set up camp and teach church leaders, and whosoever would listen. Turns out that never happened.  The leaders were just simply too busy with everything going on in the area and rightfully so. But, the first day we managed to accumulate a group due to the fact we were something new to look at, and we managed to teach several groups of about  30-40 adults during each session. We evangelized, sharing creation to Christ and sharing biblical stories that showed God’s power. But, perhaps our most creative ministry God led us to this week involved a little red disc, yes ultimate Frisbee. The same game that appeals college “bros” all across the nation, still for some reason appealed to 6 foot dinka cattle keepers. We played game after game, after game, and during our halftime it allowed us to share stories as well evangelize. About 40 different young men this week put their AK-47’s down for about an hour to be kids again ultimately allowing us to share the gospel to them.

But, by far the most miraculous thing that occurred this week started when I took a walk to the woods and found what looked to be a dead chicken tied to a post. After talking to Peter, our translator, I found out this wasn’t simply a chicken someone was taking for a walk and forgot about him... it was a sacrifice. Pretty soon the witch doctor, soldiers, and elders gathered around the chicken, singing chants for rain. Peter was mingling with them casually when the group decided it would be a good idea to introduce these men to God. As we left the tent we decided to share the prophets of Baal story with the crowd. This time Culp asked us if we were ready for a power encounter. So we went in head first. 

We shared the story not mentioning anything about the chicken on the ground who begin to look so lively.  They replied to us,  "We are uneducated men who have no clue how to reach God, please pray for us to have a heavy rain, instead of the just lightning and thunder, like we just had for the last two days."  So we walked them through creation to Christ showing how Jesus was our last sacrifice and He was more powerful than any demon or ancestor spirit, as well as explaining how necessary it is to have a relationship with Christ who is jealous for all your worship and sure to grant all your needs. They said,  "Your prayers along with our sacrifice may make it rain so please pray for us."  That’s when I believe I said my boldest, most irrational, spirit filled words I ever spoken. I said "Remove your sacrifice because if we pray to God we are to pray with our whole hearts and faith in him. Let the chicken go, we will pray, and watch what our God can do." And they actually did it! They cut the chicken free! 

(Later the chicken went to the Baptist church and said to the congregation, "If anyone has been set free by the grace of God it’s me!") But seriously... I was simply amazed. We prayed for rain, told the people good-bye for the day, and waited. 

By this time clouds were forming, but that meant nothing, it had done nothing but thunder and lightning for two days, certainly not a promise of rain. I didn’t really even know how to pray in this moment. I knew Elijah had prayed swiftly and confidently, and then he was finished. I also knew of others who fasted and prayed for days to see God move, so I simply laid on my cot and just talked to God. You want to have a time of reflection where you look at your life and everything you believe. I suggest you tell an animist to watch what your God can do. I wish I could say I’m this great man of faith I thought often, but then that sounded a lot like this situation depended a lot on me. I wish I could say I didn’t have doubts, but I can’t lie. I thought to myself God don’t leave us looking foolish ruining your name. Then I thought even if it doesn’t rain, His will is still perfect and He knows what He is doing, but this would be one tough situation.

I think our supper was the quietest since we have been here in Sudan and so was the rest of the evening. Around 9:45 after sitting in a light drizzle, not the heavy rain they asked for, Joel and I  watched the lightening and sang hymns. After a while we decided to call it a night and head to our tent. I laid my head on my cot, had one last prayer and was off to sleep.

But, of course you know the story could never end there. At 10:14 the levies finally broke. We jumped out of the tent in our boxers and celebrated by dancing, screaming, singing, and praying... all in the rain. We had to look like mad men, but at that moment who cared. It rained and stormed so much that night our tent became drenched with puddles, so much so we had to all cram in one tent. As I laid there, soaking wet on the uncomfortable floor of the muddy tent, I looked at Joel and said, “There is no movie that could ever come up with this script huh?” We were in simple awe of a moment etched in our hearts forever.

I wish I could say that the next day people came, idols were burnt, people repented, and souls were saved. I wish I could really, but you must understand the strangle hold satan has over this land. The next day the same people were making sacrifices again, even after agreeing God brought the rain. Yes, I was angry... yes, I was frustrated.  I mean, what more of a sign do these people need? But that night as I laid in my tent I thought of the many times I ignored God and refused to accept His love before I came to Him... yet He had mercy on me. 

After praying for a while I was reminded once again of Hebrews 10:39, and how we are of those who don’t shrink back. If It would be so easy to get on a plane to a foreign land, share Jesus and everyone accept him immediately, everyone would do it. Realistically it is so hard, tiring, and sometimes frustrating, but we are not the people who shy away from these things and we live by faith. At the end of this week I can’t help but recognize the miracle, not the outcome I desired, but God’s will is perfect and I can say without a doubt he is showing me, my team, and Southern Sudan all His glory.