Hello again from Central Asia. We have a
lot to share with you from this past week. The week was filled many visits with
our local friends. We asked The Father to give us more opportunities for more
intentional conversations and He has provided. Here is a glimpse into the past
On Wednesday of
this past week, we were able to discuss some deep topics with Mulan. We discussed
fasting among other things. She told us about her desire to fast and join in
with the Islam Religion during Ramadan. Mulan is not able to join in because
her father will not allow her to participate. This conversation led to more
topics and the evening ended with her desire to read The Word. We had some
other opportunities for meaningful conversations with a few of our other guests
as well. It was good to get to know them. We also went walking with another friend
of ours on Sunday evening.
continue to be lifting us up to The Father and the area in which we are working.
Here are some ways that you can remember the people here specifically.
- In our time spent with local friends we have come to understand that there is a great desire to find self identity. Girls look to find their self-worth in many places. Please remember the teenage girls here in Central Asia, that they would find their identity in The Creator.
- There is also a great deal of pressure placed upon teenagers to perform academically even by ways of cheating. Lift up the academic programs and the students within. Think about the teachers who are instructed to follow the rules of the school whether or not they are fair. Our supervisors are some of those who will be teaching in schools such as these. Please keep them in mind as they walk along the very narrow line of following rules and following ethics. Many times the teachers are instructed to award the students with an A whether they deserve the grade or not.
- It is not uncommon for husbands to cheat on or even beat their wives here. Please remember the many women who are in abusive relationships. Along with these women, there are usually children and relatives who are affected by these relationships as well. Ask The Father to place those who can be examples of a true father in these family’s paths.
- Upon our visit to the mosque and in visiting the burial sight of many Muslim followers, we have been faced with the somber realization that there are SO MANY who are blinded and do not know the Way. Please join us in lifting these MANY people up to The Father. “..How can they know without someone telling them?”
Thank you
for joining with us in this way and following along with us on this journey. We
will have one more news letter before we travel back to the United States. We
look forward to sharing more of what The Father is doing here in Central Asia
in the last news letter.
Because of His love,
Lauren and Olivia