- Please pray for these brothers and sisters in Christ as they study His Word.
- Pray for open ears and open hearts to follow Him as he leads them.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Advanced Operations Training (AOT) is Here!
Hello from the Philippines! This past week began the first of a nine week training for many former Filipino Nehemiah Teams members! This group of nine trainees from throughout the Philippines (and one from another southeast Asia country) live on a nearby island, sleep on hard surfaces, cook their food over an open fire, and give up time with friends and family (and cellphones & internet) all to spend time in in-depth study of God's Word. This 2-month intensive training will prepare them to lead in NT training, church planting, and mobilization for various Nehemiah Teams franchises all over the Philippines. This will also endorse them to set up new franchises for Nehemiah Teams all over Southeast Asia.