Sunday, June 30, 2019

Finding Faith

Never a shortage of kids hanging around
This week started with a short relocation for the Island Ministry team to a barangay (village) close to the one that they’ve been serving at in weeks prior. With moving to a new location, the team had the opportunity to go out and repeat the first steps of ministry; relationship building. While meeting the people of their village, it became quickly apparent that this area is heavily populated with members of a local cult. Because of the strong beliefs of this cult, many of the residents in this village are reluctant to listen to what the team has to say about salvation in Christ.

After praying for encouragement during this difficult start of the week, the team ran into something unexpected: a born-again believer living right behind where they’re staying. Ate J lives with her husband, son and grandma in a small, rented house. She excitedly invited us into her home when she realized we share the same faith in the same Lord. Ate offered us her testimony, and told us that Jesus became real to her when her 5-year-old son drowned a few years ago. The people around her told her that her son wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t become a Christian just a month before his passing. Still, she continues firmly in the faith and is raising her 2-year-old son to follow the Lord completely, just as her and her husband have chosen to do. The team continues to visit her for Bible studies, as well as daily encouragement in this difficult to reach village.

  • Please pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of those involved in the cult. That those who listen would have clarity of the differences between the Living God and the one they are worshiping.
  • Pray for strength for the team as they go out; that they wouldn’t grow weary by the ones unwilling to listen, but be encouraged in knowing that seeds are being planted, and that the Lord promises to do the rest.

Island Ministry Team