Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Summer 2021: Urban Quest Megacity Evangelism

IMB job #: 18032

Location: Central Asia

Team size: 8
Field expense: $2195 plus roundtrip travel, required travel insurance, etc. 
Job description: Come be a part of reaching university students in a Central Asian megacity of 18 million! You will have the opportunity to meet, befriend, and share God’s hope with people who have never heard the gospel before in one of the least reached countries in the world. Boldness, energy, flexibility and a kind heart are all helpful in the task of reaching out and starting churches among Central Asian Muslims. Use whatever gifts and passion God has given you such as sports, music, art, drinking coffee, or exploring, to form relationships and share. You will have the opportunity to explore and trek through one of the coolest & most historic cities in the world looking for hearts where the Father is working.

Dates for Summer 2021

May 31  Team leader training begins (Nehemiah Teams Training Center, Mentone, Alabama)

June 3  Team member training begins (Alabama)

June 8  Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)

July 28  Teams return to US for debrief (Alabama)

July 31  Teams return home

COVID-19 in 2021
We continue to move forward in planning for summer 2021 teams. Decisions will be made as we get into 2021 as to whether or not certain teams may need to be cancelled due to travel restrictions or local situations. Info will be posted on the website if teams are cancelled.