Friday, February 19, 2021

Summer 2021: Urban Risk Taker

IMB job #: 
Location:  Southeast Asia
Team size:  4
Field expense: $1450 plus roundtrip airfare, required travel insurance, etc. 

Job description: Join us in our city of 3.5 million people from all walks of life who are trapped in darkness. We need students who are ready, able, and eager to get creative and look for ways to engage our city with the Gospel. Using your gifts and skills, you can impact our city through an English language community, outreach to victims of human trafficking, prisoners, the deaf, and exploring the streets looking for open doors.

Dates for Summer 2021
May 31  Team leader training begins (Nehemiah Teams Training Center, Mentone, Alabama)
June 3  Team member training begins (Alabama)
June 8  Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 28  Teams return to US for debrief (Alabama)
July 31  Teams return home

COVID-19 in 2021
We continue to move forward in planning for summer 2021 teams. Decisions will be made by April 2021 as to whether or not certain teams may need to be cancelled due to travel restrictions or local situations. Info will be posted on the website if teams are cancelled.