Showing posts with label Team of the Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team of the Week. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hands On Opportunities

Interested in spending a semester in Southeast Asia? Students are needed to fill the following teams. (Most teams will help supervise Nehemiah Teams during June & July.)
Click on the job title for more information

8371  Mountain Farm Intern  (Southeast Asia)
Living in the Golden Triangle, you will be working to engage unreached peoples through agriculture & community development projects. Farm work is hard but can reap a bountiful harvest!

8447  National Mobilizer  (Philippines)
Every mission movement in modern history has begun with college students. Be involved in a nationwide movement of reaching the lost & raising up the next generation of missionaries, both American & Filipino.

8443  Urban Risk Taker   (Southeast Asia)
In our city of 3.5 million there are people from all walks of life who are trapped in darkness. We need students who are ready, able, and eager to get creative and look for ways to engage our city with the Gospel. You will have opportunities to build relationships with young adults through an English language community. They are waiting to be your friends and hear about the Hope that's only found in Jesus. Though personal conversations over dinner, music, games, sports, etc. you will have the opportunity to make friends and share Truth. Through an outreach ministry and employment center for victims of human trafficking you can apply your gifts and skills to make a difference in the lives of these women and children. Other ministries may include prison ministry, working with street kids, deaf ministry, and exploring the streets of the city looking for open doors. Beyond these opportunities, we want you to discover how God wants to use you in a unique way to impact our city. Volunteers need to be disciplined and self-motivated to complete this important task.

8555  Mountain Men Reaching Hindus  (Southeast Asia)
Doing EV and discipleship with Nepali Hindus by teaching English, sports, and some trekking to villages.

8729  Gospel Spreading   (Philippines)
Come, work on a college campus & see what God can do through you! Students are open to hearing the Good News, especially if they can practice their English. Make a difference in their lives this semester. Team will work in a college in Daet where less than 2% know Jesus Christ. The only public college in the area, many students come from outlying areas to study. The goal? For them to become Christ followers, taking the Gospel back to their hometown. Spend time with small groups of believers that you could disciple & mentor as they grow in their faith. Additional ministry opportunity could include paving the trail for a Disciple-Making Movement among the Deaf in Camarines Norte.
9008  Homeschool Teacher  (Southeast Asia)
Mom and Dad are looking for someone to come and volunteer, teaching 2nd & 7th grades. The curriculum will be provided. Our children have been home schooled since pre-K. Mom and Dad run a preschool in the local country while overseeing church planting efforts. In order to free up Mom and Dad's time for the preschool and church planting efforts a volunteer with some teaching experience is needed.

Dates for 2019
Feburary 11  Arrive @ orientation site
February 15  Travel to assignment location
August 6  Arrive @ debrief site
August 9  Arrive home

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Team of the Week: Island Castaway

IMB job #: 114416 
Location: Philippines
Team size:  4 guys
Field expense: $1394

In the western Philippines there are many remote islands where there are very few believers. People feel like castaways: isolated and disconnected. Slow down for the summer, make friends, learn culture, share LIFE.


Dates for Summer 2017
June 4  Team leader training begins (Alabama)
June 7  Team member training begins (Alabama)
June 12  Teams deploy for the field
Aug 1  Teams return to US for debrief (Alabama)
Aug 4  Teams return home

Friday, September 1, 2017

Hands On: Tropical Engineer Tutor

Are you an engineering student or grad AND have a passion for sharing Christ AND like to have fun? 

Tutor university students at a local university which offers various engineering degrees. Build relationships with students & share the Gospel.Team will work on universities in Batangas City where less than 2% know Jesus Christ. Use your abilities to tutor Engineering students. Through these sessions, you can build relationships with the intention of sharing about a relationship with Christ & discipling new believers. 

Time will primarily be spent on campus meeting students, teaching tutoring classes, talking, playing sports with students, going on hiking or swimming trips, visiting in their boarding houses... building relationships & making them thirsty to know Christ & how they can know Him like you do. Filipinos speak good English so you can make friends quickly & easily. You will be a key part in partnering with Filipino campus workers to go into new campuses in the province to filter those interested in the gospel & disciple new believers. 

114452  Tropical Engineer Tutor
Location: Philippines
February 13-August 7, 2018
Cost:  $3950

Friday, November 18, 2016

Team of the Week: Tip of the Spear

GO into a new area to build relationships and give a verbal witness while demonstrating a life witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be a bringer of light this summer!

The team will work a new region that has very little opportunity to hear the Gospel. This country is less than 1% evangelical Christians. There are large areas and communities without a credible Gospel witness. Your team will be sent into this area to build relationships and give a verbal witness as well as demonstrate a life witness. This country doesn't allow evangelism, missions trips or missionaries. You will be tourists seeking to understand the culture and enjoy the natural beauty. You will operate very independently from long term personnel for security reasons. You will be gathering data for long-term personnel and national partners about the local communities and places of "light" and "darkness," names of seekers and believers, and making an assessment of the comnunities receptivity to the Gospel. 

IMB Job #: 113178, 113177 
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size: Each team has 6
Field expense:  $1499 plus round trip airfare, immunizations, required travel insurance, passport & visa costs, etc.


Dates for summer 2017
May 29: Leader pre-field training begins
June 1: Member pre-field training begins
June 6: Teams depart for assignment
August 1: Teams return for debrief
August 4: Students return home

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Team of the Week: Farm Community Intern (NEW TEAM!)

Living in a highly restricted area of the Golden Triangle, you will work alongside a group of former head-hunters to engage unreached peoples through agriculture, construction, business & community development projects. Base out of a sustainable farm community, spending days doing farm chores & other days helping with village extension projects &
outreach events into the local village communities. Through these events you will help to share the Gospel with unreached peoples while encouraging the national believers working in this region. Absolute necessities are a willingness to work hard everyday, a love for interacting with people (even if they don't speak your language), & the ability to live in rustic conditions without complaining. The language barrier will be significant. But if you work hard to show people how much you care for them, you will have a fulfilling & fruitful experience among those who've never heard the Gospel before. Farm work is hard but can reap a bountiful harvest! (Agricultural background/experience is not a requirement... but is a definite plus!)

IMB Job #: 113222 
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size: 6
Field expense:  $1599 plus round trip airfare, immunizations, required travel insurance, passport & visa costs, etc.


Dates for summer 2017
May 29: Leader pre-field training begins
June 1: Member pre-field training begins
June 6: Teams depart for assignment
August 1: Teams return for debrief
August 4: Students return home

Friday, November 4, 2016

Team of the Week: Hope & Health (NEW TEAM!)

In partnership with a local hospital & Baptist Women's ministry, help meet medical needs of women & children. Use your pre-med/nursing or social work training to show compassion for the health of nationals and see their hearts soften to hear the Gospel.

IMB Job #: 113382 
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size: 7
Field expense:  $2100 plus round trip airfare, immunizations, required travel insurance, passport & visa costs, etc.


Dates for summer 2017
May 29: Leader pre-field training begins
June 1: Member pre-field training begins
June 6: Teams depart for assignment
August 1: Teams return for debrief
August 4: Students return home

Friday, October 28, 2016

Team of the Week: English in Africa (New Team!)

Are you looking a way to immediately gain access into the hearts of people who don't have access to the Good News? People all over the globe are increasingly fascinated with American culture & the English language. Come teach ESL in West Africa.

Students will be involved in ministry based out of the Grand Yoff Baptist Center in Dakar, Senegal. The center is located in one of the poorest and most densely populated neighborhoods in the city. Ministry will be multi-dimensional. Student volunteers will spend time at the center connecting with students who are learning language at our ESL center. Responsibilities include teaching English classes, leading conversation sessions, organizing fun activities for socialization and interaction, and building relationships with students. Volunteers will also be expected to spend time in the community of Grand Yoff. They will explore strategies in story-telling and evangelism, visit in homes, and build relationships with the community. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to learn basics in the local language and implement that in ministry and relationship building. There will also be room to utilize special gifts and talents of student volunteers as means for effective ministry.

IMB Job #: 113131
Location:  Senegal, West Africa
Team size: 4 (2 guys/2 girls)
Field expense:  $1719 plus round trip airfare, immunizations, required travel insurance, passport & visa costs, etc.


Dates for summer 2017
May 29: Leader pre-field training begins
June 1: Member pre-field training begins
June 6: Teams depart for assignment
August 1: Teams return for debrief
August 4: Students return home

Friday, October 21, 2016

Team of the Week: Nurse 2 Nurse

As an American nursing student you will seek to engage & build relationships with national nursing students at a local medical university... especially those in the Advanced Nursing Program who are staying on campus this summer to improve their English skills. Perhaps you'll have the opportunity to host an English club. All of this with the goal of sharing the Gospel with students, building life-long friendships, and helping the students improve their English. Applicants must already be admitted into a nursing program.  (National nursing classes are 99% female.)

IMB Job #: 113121
Location:  Southeast Asia
Team size: 6
Field expense: $2206 plus round trip airfare, immunizations, required travel insurance, passport & visa costs, etc.


Dates for summer 2017
May 29: Leader pre-field training begins
June 1: Member pre-field training begins
June 6: Teams depart for assignment
August 1: Teams return for debrief
August 4: Students return home

Friday, October 14, 2016

Team of the Week: Coffee Club (New Team!)

Use your ag background & love of coffee to help local farmers. Be involved in coffee production from the field to the cup, learning as much as possible about the coffee business. Share any skills you have with the local coffee production business staff. While in community, you can share your love of Christ with those who are waiting to hear. You will also help with a simple English camp hosted for the local farmers. As you live daily life, there will be opportunity to invest in the lives of local young people.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first days. At the end of the summer you will return for a joint debrief.

IMB Job #: 113217
Location: Laos
Team size: 4 guys
Field expense: $1268 plus round-trip airfare, passport costs, & required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2017
May 29  Leader pre-training begins
June 1  Member pre-training begins
June 6  Teams travel to the field
Aug 1  Teams return for debrief
Aug 4  Students return home

Friday, October 7, 2016

Team of the Week: Heartweavers

Work with exploited women & children in red-light districts in northern Thailand. Prayer walk, share the full gospel using provided materials, build relationships, disciple and teach English praying that God will transform lives. Work with an established team focused on reaching these women and children. Volunteers need to be prepared to deal with the emotions from witnessing "up close" with the underbelly of Thai society.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams learning necessary skills for your summer of ministry. At the end of the summer you will come together again to share all that God has done.

IMB Job #: 113169
Location: Thailand
Team size: 4 girls
Field expense: $2367 plus round-trip airfare, passport costs, & required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2017
May 29  Leader pre-training begins
June 1  Member pre-training begins
June 6  Teams travel to the field
Aug 1  Teams return for debrief
Aug 4  Students return home

Friday, September 30, 2016

Team of the Week: Riverboat Evangelism

Baptism with summer 2016 team
Venture to the ends of the earth with the Riverboat Team in Eastern Samar. Ride boats, both large & small, to travel 1-2 hours up the main rivers, hiking in to villages to share the Good News. Your team will be staying in close quarters, housing in a brick or wooden building. Your daily chores will include fetching water, filtering the water, hand washing your clothes, packing your bedroll, & cooking your food... then you'll spend the rest of your day sharing the Good News with those you're living around.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation in the US with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Then your team will fly to Tacloban City, followed by ground transportation over to the island of Samar. The last mode of transportation will be the riverboat to your target villages. At the end of the summer, you will gather once again in the US for a joint debrief... sharing all that God has done.

IMB Job #: 113075
Location: Philippines
Team size: 15
Field expense:  $1082 plus round trip airfare, passport costs, & required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2017
May 29  Leader pre-training begins
June 1  Member pre-training begins
June 6  Teams travel to the field
Aug 1  Teams return for debrief
Aug 4  Students return home

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Team of the Week: Urban Catalysts

Be part of pushing back darkness in Indonesia. Go deeper in your walk with Christ & put on the full armor of God. Daily opportunities to engage people with the Good News. It will not be an easy summer, bit it will be very rewarding.

Your team will be focused on walking the Spirit, praying diligently, boldly sowing the Gospel, working alongside national believers, finding areas of receptivity to the Gospel & making disciples. It can be difficult to get deeper in spiritual conversations using English only, so partnering with national believers is a must. Though the majority would claim to be Muslims, many are involved in mystic practices & dark magic. The area is known for a particular form of magical martial art. Many come to this area searching & praying for power & influence over spirits & people.

IMB Job #:  113104
Location: Indonesia
Team size: 4 (2 guys/2 girls)
Field expense:  $1313 plus round trip airfare, passport costs, & required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2017
May 29  Leader pre-training begins
June 1  Member pre-training begins
June 6  Teams travel to the field
Aug 1  Teams return for debrief
Aug 4  Students return home

IMB Southeast Asia Video

Nehemiah Teams has opportunities to serve in most of these Southeast Asian countries during June-July 2017. As specific teams are highlighted over the next several months, be praying how you can partner by GOING, SENDING, and PRAYING.

See the complete listing of 2017 teams

Friday, March 4, 2016

NEW TEAM: Village Hopping English Teacher

Backpack from village to islands seeing God's creation while sharing Creation to Christ. As a native English speaker they are interested in having you visit.

Go to an UUPG (Unreached Unegaged People Group) island and other villages as a tourist and English teacher, sharing Bible stories leading the Gospel is the goal. The island and villages are less modern yet the untouched aspect brings a firsthand look at some of God's finest creations. Visit local boarding schools which teach Arabic and how to read the Al Quran from the age of 5. Students hear many lies of what others believe thus providing a great opportunity to share the Truth.

Team members will live out of their backpack, staying in each location 1-2 weeks at a time. Good public speaking and presenting skills are helpful. Share Bible stories and prayer walk as you go on your way.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a joint debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer!

IMB Job #: 111752
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size:  4 guys
Field cost:  $1225 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, immunizations, required travel insurance, etc.


Summer 2016 Dates
April 1:  Deadline for application submission
May 23:  Leader orientation begins
May 26:  Member orientation begins
May 31:  Teams travel to the field
July 26:  Arrive back in US for debrief
July 29:  Students return home

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


In the western Philippines there are many remote islands where there are very few believers. People feel like castaways: isolated and disconnected. Slow down for the summer, make friends, learn culture, share LIFE.

Use your possible interests in healthcare in reaching out to these rural communities... teaching Mother's classes, nutrition classes, basic healthcare checks... these would be a tremendous help in these rural areas. As you minister to their physical needs you are seeking to meet their spiritual needs also.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a joint debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer!

IMB Job #: 111882
Location: Palawan, Philippines
Team size:  4 members
Field cost:  $1338 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, immunizations, required travel insurance, etc.


Summer 2016 Dates
April 1:  Deadline for application submission
May 23:  Leader orientation begins
May 26:  Member orientation begins
May 31:  Teams travel to the field
July 26:  Arrive back in US for debrief
July 29:  Students return home

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NEW TEAM: "City Talk" English Teacher

They want to learn English!! 

With a partner you will small teach classes through local universities & vocational colleges. These English classes are a fun & engaging way for you to meet an important need in Bangkok while building relationships & sharing the Gospel. We have the lessons all ready for you... we just need more teachers. Join us this summer!

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a joint debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer!

IMB Job #: 111755
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Team size:  8 members
Field cost:  $1371 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, immunizations, required travel insurance, etc.

Summer 2016 Dates
April 1:  Deadline for application submission
May 23:  Leader orientation begins
May 26:  Member orientation begins
May 31:  Teams travel to the field
July 26:  Arrive back in US for debrief
July 29:  Students return home

Friday, February 26, 2016

NEW TEAM: Nurse 2 Nurse

As an American nursing student you will seek to engage & build relationships with national nursing students at a local medical university. Many of these students will be part of the Advanced Nursing Program and will stay on campus this summer to improve their English skills. Perhaps you'll have opportunity to host an English club. All of this with the goal of sharing the Gospel with students, building life-long friendships, and helping the students improve their English.

(Nursing classes are 99% female. Applicants must already be admitted into a nursing program.)

Your first stop will be a join orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a joint debrief... sharing all that God has done.

IMB Job #: 112428
Team size:  6
Field expense: $2203 plus round trip travel, passport costs, required travel insurance, immunizations, etc.


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for join debrief
July 29  Students return home

Friday, December 18, 2015

Team of the Week: Disciple Maker in Cambodia

This country is a nation still recovering from the national genocide of the late 1970's. Because of the millions who died in that era, the youth of today are TRULY the future of Cambodia. Approximately 75% of the population is under the age of 30. Less than 1% know Christ. Your purpose? Make Christ known among the youth of the country. Your team will labor in sharing the gospel, building relationships, communicating Christ, discipling young believers,
and forming small groups.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a join debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer.

IMB Job #: 111931
Location: Cambodia
Team size: 6
Field expense: $1815 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Friday, December 4, 2015

Team of the Week: Global City Outreach

Destination: Southeast Asia Global City. Share the Gospel in English with one of the largest people groups in the world. Encourage local believers. Minister to refugees & marginalized. If you enjoy city living or ever wanted to try it, this is the opportunity for you.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams, learning the skills you need to carry out your assignment. You will then travel to the field to spend your summer carrying out the task you've prepared for. At the end of the summer, travel back to a joint debrief, sharing all that God has done over the summer.

IMB Job #: 112083
Location: Southeast Asia
Team size:  12
Field expense: $1627 plus round trip airfare, passport expenses, immunizations, required travel insurance, etc.

Click for MORE INFO or TO APPLY 

Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team Leaders arrive at orientation
May 26  Team members arrive at orientation
May 31  Teams depart for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home

Friday, November 27, 2015

Team of the Week: Cambodia Hydro"phonics"

This UPG is born, lives, works, and raises their families while living on small houseboats. As the seasons change, dry to wet, they move with the rising & falling of the water. They have lived this way for years. They have lived without knowing the true creator & His only Son, Jesus Christ. They are Buddhists but live in fear of spirits, sickness, & death. Ag, fisheries & horticulture majors are needed to work alongside national believers with hydroponic & fisheries projects. Use your English skills to teach conversational English to young adults working at the ponds.

Your first stop will be a joint orientation with other Nehemiah Teams. Learning the skills needed to carry out your assignment as well as team building will fill these first few days. Your team will then fly to your final destination for the summer. Following your ministry time you will return to the US for a join debrief... sharing all God has done over the summer.

IMB Job #: 111933
Location: Cambodia
Team size: 4 guys
Field expense: $1188 plus round trip airfare, passport & visa costs, and required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2016
May 23  Team leader orientation begins
May 26  Team member orientation begins
May 31  Teams leave for the field
July 26  Teams arrive back for debrief
July 29  Students return home