Monday, December 4, 2023

A Life Lived in True Obedience: Tatum

Leading youth mobilization event
I don’t think I realized how radically different my life would be when I surrendered a year of comfort to the Lord. When all distractions from back home were gone, the Lord opened my eyes. My days were wholly devoted to Him and He moved. He moved my heart. I spent intentional time with my Heavenly Father, being still and being active in sharing the gospel. He gave me a joy for missions. His love became my love and more of His heart was revealed to me. I had my own plans and my plans made me anxious. The Lord has given me peace and excitement for the seasons to come because He will be there. 

I will continue missions wherever the Lord places me. I desire to train these feet of mine to run with the lost in mind. To be urgent and to be love as Jesus is love. 

I wanted to take a year and realign my heart and mind, allowing myself to be humble before God who would be the only one on the throne of my life. I don’t only want to give Him a year. I want to give Him every year that I am able on this side of heaven. A life lived in true obedience to the call that He has given each and every person who follows Him. “Go tell the world about Me”

AOT International participant