Thursday, December 28, 2023

No Matter What Comes... GO!

While on our one month deployment on the island, my biggest challenge has been being flexible and trusting God with whatever comes my way. Back home, life is more on my terms, at my pace and doing things I think are best. The two words “my” and “I” are difficult to turn down. Some of this is subconscious and some is not. 

An example of this struggle was on the first week when I wasn’t excited and felt tired of going out when I thought “people just keep giving the same answer plus good works”. Of course I still had to go and didn’t want to feel this way. 

Amazingly, like God always does, He changed my heart attitude, and gave me strength to share the gospel as I stepped out in obedience. I know renewing my mind in the truth about who God is and recounting His faithfulness is vital to spiritual warfare & growth. God helped me through these times of apathy by reminding me of the joy of my salvation. The gospel is a gift I can’t keep to myself, no matter how I feel or what warfare comes my way. “For the battle is not [mine], but God’s.” (2 Ch 20:15)

NT365 Gap Year Participant
Holly with her team mates