In a city with over 3 million people, it is easy to be overwhelmed at the work needed here to spread the Gospel. Even more there are language, legal, and religious barriers that have taken a stronghold in this city and the country. The good news is that the impossible does not rest on our abilities to reach the people but on God's promises: to reach every tribe, tongue, and nation. Without God, the task would be impossible. And He even chooses to do the impossible through ordinary people like me. The overwhelming task has helped me see more urgently the need for the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers (Matt. 9:37). Because God makes Himself known through His people telling about Him, my prayer for God to take His people to the ends of the earth continues to grow more urgent. And not simply for short-term work, but for long time workers who will go out of their way to learn the language and look for opportunities to love the people and clearly communicate the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Please pray that we could share the gospel with urgency and the Lord would be working in the hearts of the people in this city.
Please pray that we could share the gospel with urgency and the Lord would be working in the hearts of the people in this city.