Saturday, July 4, 2015

Growing Pains

We have said goodbye to one village and hello to another. However, God has renewed my strength in the middle of a tough time. Last week on our R&R day, we went to a fish farm. I walked up expecting to catch a few fish and move on with my day; however, God had other plans.

I began to get discouraged about not feeling like I was actually sharing the gospel since I can only share so much before my translators are given leeway to share it in the heart language of our lovely people. I had found a sweet spot for fishing, and per the rules of the fish farms, a worker had to take the fish my hook for me. This girl named Josie just stayed beside me as I caught fish after fish. While we were waiting for me to catch the next fish, she began to ask me questions (IN ENGLISH!) about me and where I was from. After a few minutes of back and forth conversation, the conversation just died. As soon as the silence fell, I knew that not sharing the gospel with Josie would be direct disobedience to the Lord and my purpose for being in Cebu. So, I started the conversation back up talking about her brother, whom she had already talked about being a Christian. After asking her what she believed and if her brother had ever shared his beliefs with her, I laid the gospel out in simple terms. Her response to me was, "I can't be forgiven because I've done too much bad." This broke my heart. At that moment, it began to rain and we had to leave, so our conversation ended with my last words of, "God will still forgive you of what you've done." I felt a weight lifted from me as I was shown that I must be patient and let the Lord work.

Things to pray for our team:
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Continued unity in our team
  • People of Peace
  • Good health as we play basketball everyday
  • People who truly understand their need for the gospel!