Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Share with those who are open

We're starting to wind down our ministry here in Central Asia. The large part of our summer has been spent acting as a filter for the long term workers. Going out to coffee shops, the seaside, restaurants & anything else provides us with conversation opportunities to discern where our friends are spiritually. If some of our friends seem disinterested, we'll share the Gospel as mush as we think they can absorb, and focus on others who are more interested. We've connected numerous people back to the long term workers platform, so they can continue to be poured into.

A significant stronghold we've had to overcome is the national's collective condemnation of all religion. As a result of this, an intense hatred is being formed towards all religions. It's been extremely tough trying to separate Christianity from that ideology. Regardless, relationships have been fruitful.

It's been extremely encouraging reading stories from the frontlines of the kingdom. We've prayed for the other teams and we're eager to hear all of the stories when we get to debrief.

Megacity Evangelism Team, Central Asia