Monday, July 18, 2022

Urban Muslim Outreach Update

The team is helping teach English to refugees in the heart of an urban mega city. Through the relationships formed in these classes, they then look to spend more time with the students outside of class to build deeper relationships and share the good news. The gospel is being shared, but the people are devout in their own faiths. The ground in this city is rocky. 

Be praying for continued perseverance for the team as they continue teaching &  serving many refugees. They are constantly hearing hard & difficult stories from the students and all they’ve experienced.

As the team finishes up their ministry in this city...
  • Pray for healing & comfort for the refugees
  • Pray the team would always respond in compassion and love, boldly pointing to the Great Comforter & the One who loves them and died for them
  • Pray for the gospel to be boldly shared and for people to respond
  • Pray for new friendships to form and for existing friendships to deepen.
-Urban Muslim Outreach Team
South Africa