Southeast Asia
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Ancient Ruins
Southeast Asia
Friday, March 17, 2023
New Believers: Part 2
After the baptism, a woman from Germany came by and congratulated them. We were able to talk with her about how God has called all of His people to share about Him to all nations.
It is so amazing that, because of the Gospel, God brought together 7 women from 3 different countries, languages, and cultures. He used us to share and disciple, used the new believers' baptism to start a conversation with woman from Germany, and used the woman from Germany to cast vision to the new believers about sharing the Good News to all Nations. Praise God!
-Continue to pray for our new sisters in Christ as they return home. Pray God would provide someone to disciple them in the faith.
-Michaela and Ragyn
Southeast Asia
New Believers: Part 1
My friend and I ended up talking to a girl who was about our age. We shared our testimonies and the Gospel with her. She said she was grateful for us coming to her and was eager to meet with us again. The next day, all of us went back to the same spot and the girl we shared with had brought her friend. We shared the story of Zacchaeus with them and after talking about it together, she and her friend both decided to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Last night was a beautiful reminder of what I came here to do. Witnessing people come to Christ is a miracle every time it happens and I’m so grateful I was there for it last night.
-Pray for these 2 new believers in Christ as they learn about what it means to be a Christian.
-Pray as the new believers return home, God would give them boldness and a passion to share Christ with their community .
-Michaela and Ragyn
Southeast Asia
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Using Art to Share the Gospel
I've received an answer to prayer since being in our final country of the NT365 Gap Year. Since being in Asia, I've been praying for opportunities to use my art more for the glory of God. Since coming to this county, I've been presented project after project to use my art to connect with others, as well as tell people about who God is and how much he loves and cares for them. I've even been able to teach an art class for kids and their parents!
At the art class, I had
them paint five loaves of bread and two fish and told them the story of
Jesus feeding the five thousand. At the end, we all cut out our food and
put them in a basket I painted to represent Jesus multiplying the food.
It was amazing to see how happy and joyful the kids were to paint and
have fun, but they were also very attentive while listening to
the story. We're hoping that we can use those classes to lead
to bible studies soon.
-Pray for the art classes and their participants. Pray God would use the classes and Bible stories told to draw people to Himself.
Southeast Asia
Why We Go
In the storm, it is hard to see the things that were clear before. We may not always be able to see the sun, but that does not mean that it does not exist. Even though we cannot see everything around us, God has given us a compass to follow. When things get hard and we cannot see how God is working or how God is using us, we can still trust Him. He has given us something to use in order to guide our steps.
It says in Matthew 28:18-20, "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Additionally, Revelation 7:9 says, "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands."
God has told us in His Word to go. Then, in the last book of the Bible, He tells us why we need to go to share the gospel. We need to, because in the end, it will result in a gigantic time of worship. Everyone will be worshiping God; all different kinds of people with different languages joined together to worship our amazing Creator. Think of a time you were worshiping with a group of believers and you could feel the Holy Spirit moving in the room. Now imagine that with people from every nation, tribe, people, and language from the beginning of the world until Jesus comes back. This is what we can use to guide our steps in the storm or in times of difficulties when we do not understand what He is doing.
- Please pray that as I continue to face hard times on the field I will remember these verses.
- Please pray that I would not be distracted by the things going on around me, but that I would be fully focused on what God is asking me to do.
- Pray that God will soften the hearts of the people who hear the Gospel. Pray that God will give my teammate and I wisdom in who to talk to and spend our time with.
Southeast Asia
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
A Light that Will Never Go Out
Last Wednesday, March 8 was International Women’s Day and students are out of class in recognition of the holiday. Because we had no class, we were able to eat with some friends for lunch and hang out around town. Our roommates asked us to go to the mountain with them. We climbed over 200 steep stairs to the very top of the mountain. As we were climbing, we were able to pray over the city.
At the top, it has three temples and a Buddha looking over the city. There are also miniature Buddha statues covering the side of the mountain. These are given to the temple to receive full merit or full blessing from the spirits. When a Buddhist comes and asks for something from the spirits and their blessing is made true, they must thank the spirits by giving statues back to the temple. It was very interesting to see all kinds of people on the top of the mountain, both tourists and nationals. Maybe they were there worshiping the spirits and idols or just there to see the scenery at sunset.
It was very dark, spiritually, but we were reminded that God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We are to share the Good News with those around us, no matter how dark. We are God’s children and he has given us a light that will never go out. A river that will never run dry. A spirit that will never leave us or torment us. This is the God who we serve. And we are so grateful to be here, at this time, in this place, serving Him!
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Movie Nights
I also have the opportunity to teach at a youth fellowship. It is definitely one of my favorite things. I get to help us all grow in Christ and be involved in discipleship.
Also, I love having people over to our house. We had a movie night with some new friends which is so great!
Please pray as we strive to make more relationships, prayer walk, and to share with those we are around everyday!
-Darla Ray
Southeast Asia
Monday, March 13, 2023
Teaching English and Gospel Conversations
Friday Night Life has been the night I look forward to the most each week! It's an event that our Baptist Student Center (BSC) hosts offering to teach English for free. About 30-45 Thai people come for roughly two hours every Friday. After each lesson we have discussion questions that the believers are able to answer in a way that opens doors for spiritual conversations within the small groups. We typically hangout for a bit after each lesson sharing laughs, highs and lows from the week, and making plans to get lunch or dessert for the next week to take those friendships outside of the classroom!
Saturday, March 11, 2023
University Friend
Pray we will be able to spend more time with her. Pray that her eyes would be open and she would be convicted through God’s word.
NT365 Student
Halfway There
The metropolitan area of this city has over 1 million people. Around 60% of the population here is Christian, but only around 30% of those Christians are evangelical. The other major religion in this city is Islam, about 30% of the population. We live in a dorm-style apartment building near one of the university campuses in the city. It is really fun to be living in a building with nationals. There is a common room downstairs where we are able to meet different people and build relationships. The day that we moved in we met the people who lived across from us. In one room is twin girls, and in the other is a guy. We have hung out with the twin girls a few times (they both speak English pretty well); they even showed us around the college campus. We found out that they go to a church that does not have a very sound doctrine, so we are praying for opportunities to have bible studies with them.
We also met a few other people who live at our apartment. Most people that we have met are in college, but one of the girls that we met works for the government. A couple of girls that we met have wanted to hang out, so this past Thursday we went to a beach walk with them where we spent 4 hours walking around and eating dinner. We were able to talk a little bit about religion and found out that they were Christians who go to church in their village nearby.
Pray for opportunities to disciple our new friends in the Word. Pray God would give us friendships with unbelievers and boldness to share with the Good News with them.
NT365 Student
Southeast Asia
Friday, March 10, 2023
A Language Everyone Can Understand
Since being in our new country, it has been an adjustment getting used to the new culture, climate and food. But one of the most difficult things is learning the language and communicating with the people. It has been a struggle at times, but the more I think about true and meaningful communication, the more the Lord reminds me of how his Love and His Joy is something that everyone can understand, despite language barriers. Lots of people here can’t understand English and I’m just learning to speak their language and they have a hard time understanding me.
But the one thing they can understand and see is the Joy and Peace that the Father gives me! The people here are living in desperate situations and they are looking for true Joy and Peace. When the Lord equips us with those, it draws the people in.
It says in Isaiah 55:12, "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." As I’m teaching English and learning the heart language here, I’m able to explain where true Joy and Peace come from. They get to hear about the Gospel and the Fathers love for them!
-John David
NT365 Student
Southeast Asia
The Greatest Love of All Time
We are focusing on outreach to the lost, while also trying to disciple those around use who are already believers. The best way we can love others is by sharing about the greatest love of all time.
NT365 Student
Thursday, March 9, 2023
5 Lessons From February
cause well.. I'm not
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Biggest Challenge
Family and friends back home have been my biggest challenge. While my mind is focused during ministry times, during my down time, I miss them dearly. It truly gives you a bigger appreciation for the long-term personnel and the gift of their time and sacrifice.
Back home, my 13 friends were my core community. It has shown me how important community is! My community back home has given me the vision of helping non-believers overseas find community where they can find a relationship with God.
Pray for students and long-term workers as they live far from family. Pray they find community, wherever they may live.
NT365 Student
Friday, March 3, 2023
Homesickness and Perseverance
Halfway through gap year and the home sickness has hit! Going through Christmas and New Years away from family and friends for the first time was pretty tough for me. However, being surrounded by so many other people going through the same wave of emotions was uplifting. Unfortunately, being gone from home doesn’t just stink through the holidays.
Over the month of January, I truly had to rely on God to comfort me through His Word, prayer, and His will to see all nations come together for His glory. Even through the couple of times that I was sick/hurt my ankle, which prevented me from going out for a few days, the Lord was still providing me with the strength to persevere through all of my hardships.-Abby
NT365 Student
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Martial Arts and Music in New York City
Start Spreading the News
Team size: Team of 6 Males
Field expense: $2,084
June 6 Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 27 Teams return to the US for debrief (Alabama)
July 30 Teams return home
Mission Trip For High Schoolers!
NT 4Teens: Philippines Islands
Field expense: $1,200 plus round trip airfare & required travel insurance
June 1 Training begins (Mentone, Alabama at Nehemiah Teams Training Site)
July 16 Teams return to the US
7 Million Unbelievers Need the Gospel...Will You Go to Them?
Church Planting Intern
Team size: Team of 4
Field expense: $3,100 plus round trip airfare & required travel insurance
June 6 Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 27 Teams return to the US for debrief (Alabama)
July 30 Teams return home
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Share with the Last Unreached People in the City
Team size: Team of 4
Field expense: $1,492 plus round trip airfare & required travel insurance
June 6 Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 27 Teams return to the US for debrief (Alabama)
July 30 Teams return home
English Camps
The English camps were so amazing. Teaching young kids was such a sweet time. Let us not forget about them and how important it is to plant seeds. We may think they don’t really understand (maybe sometimes they don’t) but planting a seed may start a spark, that can be built on and become a blaze through prayer, discipling, and sharing. Jesus did say, “let the little children come to me.” It starts there, with some fun worship songs and activities, love, and compassion.
NT365 Student