Friday, March 17, 2023

New Believers: Part 1

My teammate and I recently went to an unreached part of the country with a couple of national friends. We split up, I with one friend and her with the other. We began having conversations with anyone we could. 

My friend and I ended up talking to a girl who was about our age. We shared our testimonies and the Gospel with her. She said she was grateful for us coming to her and was eager to meet with us again. The next day, all of us went back to the same spot and the girl we shared with had brought her friend. We shared the story of Zacchaeus with them and after talking about it together, she and her friend both decided to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

Last night was a beautiful reminder of what I came here to do. Witnessing people come to Christ is a miracle every time it happens and I’m so grateful I was there for it last night. 

The 2 new believers are from different islands that have no long term workers. We changed our travel plans and will stay on this island until they go back to their homes in a few days.
We are praying we can use this time to disciple and train them to share with their friends and family once they return home. 

-Pray for these 2 new believers in Christ as they learn about what it means to be a Christian.  

-Pray as the new believers return home, God would give them boldness and a passion to share Christ with their community .

-Michaela and Ragyn
Southeast Asia