Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Ancient Ruins

I felt like a regular Dr. Jones scoping out ancient ruins and anthropological study sites this weekend. 

Here’s what I observed:
The structures that were once temples are now crumbling ruins, no longer serving the spirits and being fed offerings and mourning people seeking peace. Now they lay in a ruined pile of stones. They hold no more power or meaning. 

At the coming of Christ these structures will be the picture of how the evil powers of this world will shatter, crumble, cry out, and grieve. Because death has no victory, but our victory is in Jesus! And oh what a sweet victory it is! Knowing that my life is hidden in Him alone! I have no strings attached to worldly structures as big as a temple or as little as a grain of sand, my home is not here, I am but a sojourner in a foreign land. 
Southeast Asia