Thursday, March 2, 2023

Mission Trip For High Schoolers!

NT 4Teens: Philippines Islands

IMB job #: 26645
Location: Philippines
Field expense: $1,200 plus round trip airfare & required travel insurance
Dates: June 1-16
The Philippine tourism slogan is “It's more fun in the Philippines,” so for sure, while you work & minister, you will have fun getting to know the Filipinos of Camiguin and Socorro Island. These beautiful islands with their hospitable people are common tourist destinations, but few are going there to share the gospel. Most on these islands are very religious but are still not sure of their salvation. As a team, you will work together, spending time in villages, learning about culture, sharing your lives & sharing the gospel through testimonies, drama, sports & music.
Dates for summer 2023 
March 15  Application deadline 
June 1  Training begins (Mentone, Alabama at Nehemiah Teams Training Site)
June 5  Teams deploy for the field (via ATL)
July 16  Teams return to the US