Monday, June 26, 2023

Sharing the Story

Each morning, we meet students and share the Gospel with them, hoping to form relationships so that we can continue to disciple them. If they’re interested, we’ll form a Bible study usually in the same place so that we can continue to pour into them. 

Later in the day, we visit with communities of people who are a part of our ministry and use their home to have Bible studies with people in the area that are willing to join. We share stories such as the rich man and Lazarus or Zachaeus and Jesus... simple stories we learned as children in Sunday School but many of the people here have never heard. 

Pray for people to be receptive to the Gospel & that we will boldly share it with them.
Pray that we will be available for the Lord to use us in any given moment!

Tropical Disciplemaker
Batangas City, Philippines
Team with national ministry partners