Thursday, October 12, 2023

My All Sufficient One

Me: God, why don’t they just receive the gift of Jesus’ life? Is being stuck in their same patterns of sin, living in utter darkness and being eternally separated from God in Hell really less terrifying than giving our temporary lives to you in exchange for a deeply satisfying eternal life with Jesus?

God: Why would you not receive my grace sooner, Holly? You were believing lies about yourself, Me, and others that kept you chained. My loving arms were and are always open to you. I used your parents, friends, books, movies, my Word, non-coincidental moments, and other’s testimonies to draw you to my heart. Still, you held me at arms length. It was not until 7x70 rock bottoms and 7x70 forgivenesses that you started to understand and receive my grace. You had to be chased down and shown my radical, self-sacrificing love millions of times before you could receive me. You also have to continue to receive this love, by My Holy Spirit, to “throw off every sin and weight that hinders”. Freedom from the pit and chains of darkness come when you realize two things in the core of your heart. One, I love you unconditionatlly (even when you grieve and anger me) and two, there is only death and condemnation apart from Me. Who can accept these 2 truths lightly if they haven’t tasted and seen that God is truly good? Therefore, have patience while praying for their salvation, building relationships and sharing clearly and boldly the Gospel that saved your life. You must not underestimate the faithful sharing of the Gospel, because it is God who is Sovereign over salvation. I will empower you to be longsuffering, humble, and deeply loving. Rest in Me my daughter. I am your All Sufficient One.

NT365 Gap Year Participant