Thursday, June 11, 2015

From Un to Deux to Trois—Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac

"Un, deux, trois," I said to Élie, proving to him that I could count in French. We had just finished singing "Father Abraham Had Many Sons" and "Our God Is So Big." Hannah and I spent the rest of the time talking with the children.

This was our first Sunday working with the kids. After singing with the congregation, one of the missionaries, Hannah, and I led the children to a small, adjacent room, where they rolled out a woven mat and sat down on it. All of us went around and introduced ourselves; the children learned our names quickly, even Hannah's ("H"s can be hard to pronounce for French speakers).

The missionary told the story of when Abraham and Sarah learned that they would have Isaac. We asked them some questions about the story, which they were able to answer. They so were precious. I am looking forward to working with them this summer.

Pray that many of them would come to know Christ!
